Ibelings, Hans, author.
Make it anew / Hans Ibelings and diederendirrix architects.
Montreal ; Amsterdam : The Architecture Observer, [2018]
159 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), plans, portraits ; 24 cm
"Architecture builds upon history. Even the avant-gardist creed to 'make it new' still assumes a past. It is impossible to imagine novelty without an awareness of what existed before. In their transformation projects, diederendirrix retell stories of buildings and sites -- by paraphrasing part of the story, by recasting central actors, by making architecture speak in other words. By doing that, they make it anew."--Page 4 of cover.
9789492058065 (paperback)
9492058065 (paperback)
Diederendirrix (Firm) Catalogs.
Diederendirrix (Firm)
Diederendirrix Firma
Buildings Remodeling for other use Netherlands Designs and plans Catalogs.
Architecture Conservation and restoration Netherlands Designs and plans Catalogs.
Architecture Netherlands History 21st century Catalogs.
Architectural firms Netherlands Catalogs.
Constructions Reconversion Pays-Bas Dessins et plans Catalogues.
Architecture Conservation et restauration Pays-Bas Dessins et plans Catalogues.
Architecture Pays-Bas Histoire 21e siècle Catalogues.
Agences d'architecture Pays-Bas Catalogues.
Architectural firms
Architecture Conservation and restoration
Buildings Remodeling for other use
catalogs (documents)
Diederen, Paul, 1959 January 23- author.
Dirrix, Bert, author.
Diederendirrix (Firm), architects, authors.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 301103
Cote: BIB 247310
Statut: Disponible
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