Is this tomorrow? : visions of the future by architects and artists / chief curator, Lydia Yee.
Titre et auteur:

Is this tomorrow? : visions of the future by architects and artists / chief curator, Lydia Yee.


London : Whitechapel Gallery, 2019.
New York : ARTBOOK, D.A.P., [2019]


160 pages : color illustrations ; 24 cm

Published on the occasion of an exhibit at Whitechapel Gallery, London, February 13-May 12, 2019 and MAAT, Lisbon, summer 2020.
Includes work by architects and artists: 6a architects, Adjaye Associates, Andrés Jaque/Office for Political Innovation, APPARATA, Rachel Armstrong, Rana Begum, Cao Fei, David Kohn Architects, Mariana Castillo Deball, Cécile B. Evans, Farshid Moussavi Architecture, Simon Fujiwara, Kapwani Kiwanga, Marina Tabassum Architects, mono office, Hardeep Pandhal, Amalia Pica, Jacolby Satterwhite, Zineb Sedira, and Tatiana Bilbao Estudio.
Includes bibliographical references.
Introduction / Iwona Blazwick -- Is this tomorrow? / Lydia Yee -- Reenacting the radiant future: notes from the borders of art and architecture / Pedro Gadanho -- Projects -- Architect, artist and author biographies.

For a major new presentation in 2019, Whitechapel Gallery is taking as a model its groundbreaking 1956 exhibition 'This is Tomorrow', an event which is indelibly linked to the institution's history. Organised and developed by architect, writer and sculptor Theo Crosby, 'This is Tomorrow' featured 37 artists, architects, designers and writers who worked together in 12 small groups. In the catalogue, Lawrence Alloway introduced the exhibition as "devoted to the possibilities of collaboration", the results of which "appear to be setting up a programme for the future." 'Is This Tomorrow?' will also feature 12 groups of contemporary architects, artists and other cultural practitioners to highlight the potential of collaboration, to address key issues we face today and to offer a vision of the future. Both UK and international participants will explore subjects from conflict and warfare, economic inequality, migration and resource scarcity, to education, labour, trade and technology, comparing and contrasting the ideas of the original 'This is Tomorrow' artists and architects whose concerns with communication theory, mass culture and the vernacular reflected their associations with British Constructivism and the Independent Group.00Exhibition: Whitechapel Art Gallery, London, UK (14.02.-12.05.2019)


0854882707 (paperback)
9780854882700 (paperback)


Whitechapel Art Gallery Exhibitions History 20th century.
Whitechapel Art Gallery
Future in art Exhibitions.
Social problems in art Exhibitions.
Artistic collaboration Exhibitions.
Artists and architects Exhibitions.
Civilization Forecasting Exhibitions.
Art Forecasting Exhibitions.
Architecture Forecasting Exhibitions.
Design Forecasting Exhibitions.
Art and architecture Exhibitions.
Collaboration artisitique Expositions.
Art et architecture Expositions.
Futur dans l'art Expositions.
Problèmes sociaux dans l'art Expositions.
Collaboration artistique Expositions.
Artistes et architectes Expositions.
Civilisation Prévision Expositions.
Art Prévision Expositions.
Architecture Prévision Expositions.
Design Prévision Expositions.
Art and architecture
Social problems in art
Future in art
Exhibition catalogs
Design Forecasting
Civilization Forecasting
Artists and architects
Architecture Forecasting
Artistic collaboration


Exhibition Publications.
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs
Catalogues d'exposition.

Vedettes secondaires:

Yee, Lydia, curator.
Whitechapel Art Gallery, host institution.
MAAT--Museu de Arte, Arquitetura e Tecnologia (Lisbon, Portugal), host institution.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 305320
Cote: BIB 251124
Statut: Disponible


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