Linke, Armin, photographer, interviewee.
Phenotypes/Limited Forms / Armin Linke, Peter Hanappe ; texts: Estelle Blaschke, Peter Hanappe, Wilfried Kuehn, Vittorio Loreto, Doreen Mende, Peter Weibel ; translation: Sarah Trenker.
Ennetbaden : Lars Müller Verlag, 2018.
361 pages : illustrations ; 27 cm.
This publication functions as an extension of the interactive installation Phenotypes/Limited Forms, which encouraged visitors to make a personal selection out of a total of several hundred images by the photographer Armin Linke. In a form of poetic transfer, the visitors arranged the images and named their sequences. Yet, while myriad combinations are possible, the created sequence reveal limited and specific permutations. Virtually every form is possible, but the forces at play limit them to a set of possibilities, to a particular choice of formal expression. The book takes up this aspect and analyzes the nearly 30,000 sequences selected by the public using algorithmic technologies. It offers insights into mechanisms that occur at every instance while moving in our digital present and asks how algorithms are constructed and influence our way of interacting with images.
Linke, Armin Exhibitions.
Linke, Armin
Photographs Psychological aspects Exhibitions.
Interactive art Exhibitions.
Image analysis Exhibitions.
Art interactif Expositions.
Analyse d'images Expositions.
Image analysis
Interactive art
Photographs Psychological aspects
Exhibition publications.
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs.
Catalogues d'exposition.
Hanappe, Peter, editor, interviewer.
Blaschke, Estelle, 1976- contributor.
Kuehn, Wilfried, contributor.
Loreto, Vittorio, contributor.
Mende, Doreen, contributor.
Weibel, Peter, contributor.
Trenker, Sarah, contributor.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 305112
Cote: BIB 250853
Statut: Disponible
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