Plan and play, play and plan : defining your art practice / Janwillem Schrofer ; [translation Dutch-English, Wendy van Os-Thompson]
Entrée principale:

Schrofer, Janwillem, author.

Titre et auteur:

Plan and play, play and plan : defining your art practice / Janwillem Schrofer ; [translation Dutch-English, Wendy van Os-Thompson]


Amsterdam : Valiz, 2018.


285 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 22 cm

Includes indexes.
Introduction: course and improvisation. Artist is the focus: Structure and method -- Part I. Terminology & reflections: -- 1. Bonds and freedom. Choice processes: where do I stand and what do I stand for? Choosing time and again ; Positioning yourself ; Freedom of choice ; No artistic practice without collaboration -- Goals, strategy and tactics. Metaphor 'in the dunes' ; Decision-making and mixed scanning -- Inhibiting stereotypes: the artist as an entrepreneur. the entrepreneurial artist is a producer ; Not a dealer ; Business know-how and promotion -- Inhibiting stereotypes: autonomous and applied art, the stranglehold of autonomy. Similarities and differences ; What is autonomy? Autonomous thought, the personal core -- Source and designation. Origin and offer ; Venues for presentation -- Defining artisthood: divided or undivided artistic existence. Chances and risks ; Breadth of the artistic practice -- 2. Artists' positions: a large palette. Exploration: signals from the studio -- Facets of artisthood. Dynamic patterns ; Motives ; Maslow's pyramid of needs -- Eleven different artists' positions. Artist in the studio, facet: object-orientation ; Artist in public space, facet: social dimension of the object ; Artist in the laboratory, facet: process methodology ; Artist on stage, facet: the performative domain ; Artist as designer, facet: complexity of the situation ; Artist and writer, facet: image and word ; Artist as curator, facet: connectedness between works ; Artist as organizer, facet: conditions for other artists ; Artist as adviser, facet: expert advice ; Artist as educator, facet: transference ; Artist as change agent, facet: social interventions -- The integrated practice. Carlos Amorales ; David Bade ; Driessens & Verstappen, Marlene Dumas, Claudia Fontes ; Alicia Framis ; Meschac Gaba ; Ryan Gander ; Antony Gormley ; Hama Goro ; Sigurdur Gudmundsson ; Hans van Houwelingen ; Joan Jonas ; Germaine Kruip ; Matt Mullican ; Michelangelo Pistoletto ; Jan van der Ploeg ; Michael Raedecker ; Jannie Regnerus ; Auke de Vries ; Guido van der Werve ; Sylvie Zijlmans
3. The artist and his environment, from victim to free spirit. Artistic practice amid force fields. Playing chess on eight boards, in the art world ; Interdepence ; Positions and the art market ; Public ; Three pieces of advice, for when things get complicated ; Four market strategies ; Expansion of the market position -- Control variants. Control variants in artistic practice: A. Given situation: the explorer ; B. Parity situation: the colleague ; C. Self-defined: the director ; Examples of control -- 4. Dynamic artisthood, growth and mobility. Deconstructing the studio into four panels. Dimensions of personal development -- Personal ambition profile -- Application of the model when setting up and developing the artistic practice. Fitting out the studio ; Collaborative ventures between artists ; Travelling to institutional destinations ; Building for artists ; The power of metaphors -- Housed somewhere else for a while. Development by mobility: it never stands still ; Modes of learning -- Matching qualities. Fictive inner dialogues ; Regarding quality and matching -- 5. Fabric of knowledge exchange, collaboration and friendship. "How strong is the lonely cyclist?" Are they in fact all artists? Discussions with and between experts ; Stereotyping the artist ; "You make art, of what use is it to us?" -- Combined forces. Artists are pioneers ; The power of solidarity -- Fabric of knowledge exchange, collaboration and friendship
Part II. Building blocks: -- 6. Building block: realisation between dream and deed. Constriction -- Goals on the horizon ; Greatest ambition, smallest size. Artists' studio ; A new initiative -- 7. Building block: not peanuts, but payment. Creative process and money. Integral project budgeting ; Artist subsidises the community -- Financial components. Professional practice ; Expenditure mix in artistic practice ; Income mix artistic practice ; Personal circumstances -- Pricing art works. Price calculations ; Models ; The force of the market -- Transfer the work -- 8. Building block: curriculum vitae as synthesis. Separate worlds: the artistic CV -- Significance, value and content of a CV. Mirror ; logbook ; database and 'signpost' ; Content ; A personal composition -- Basic portfolio and biographical notes. There is no standard ; A concise information leaflet -- So now... -- Part III. Origins: -- 9. A slice of life. Counseling of artists: sources of experience. Rijksakademie, workshops and coaching sessions ; Coaching artists -- Career patterns. Continuity and discontinuity ; Project-based work -- Author's career, dissected. Amsterdam ; Kennemerland ; Rotterdam ; Amsterdam ; Heemstede ; Career in retrospect ; Project-based work -- 10. Acknowledgments. From the artist's studio to the studio ; Acknowledgements.
Translated from the Dutch.

"'Visual artist' is a term with untold interpretations, nuances, variations and meanings. But how, as an artist (or designer, photographer, or other 'independent creator'), do you become who you are and who you would like to be? What fundamental questions, characteristics, dilemmas, ambitions, restrictions and realities play a part? How, as an artist, can you guide your artistic practice, the main criterion being to answer the question: 'where do I stand and what do I stand for?' 'Plan and Play, Play and Plan' invites the artist to reach considerations, often based on analytical models, that will help to determine his/her position. This log-cum-reflective book is intended for artists and those who wish to become artists, as well as anyone who works with artists. The book does not provide recipes or simple solutions, but delves into the very fibre of the artist's profession, and invites the reader to explore a sustainable artistic practice."--Back cover.


9789492095404 (pbk.)
9492095408 (pbk.)


Arts Vocational guidance.
Arts Economic aspects.
Arts Management.
Arts Gestion.
Arts Orientation professionnelle.
Arts Aspect économique.

Vedettes secondaires:

Os-Thompson, Wendy van, translator.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 303252
Cote: BIB 249365
Statut: Disponible


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