Schrofer, Janwillem, author.
Plan and play, play and plan : defining your art practice / Janwillem Schrofer ; [translation Dutch-English, Wendy van Os-Thompson]
Amsterdam : Valiz, 2018.
285 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 22 cm
"'Visual artist' is a term with untold interpretations, nuances, variations and meanings. But how, as an artist (or designer, photographer, or other 'independent creator'), do you become who you are and who you would like to be? What fundamental questions, characteristics, dilemmas, ambitions, restrictions and realities play a part? How, as an artist, can you guide your artistic practice, the main criterion being to answer the question: 'where do I stand and what do I stand for?' 'Plan and Play, Play and Plan' invites the artist to reach considerations, often based on analytical models, that will help to determine his/her position. This log-cum-reflective book is intended for artists and those who wish to become artists, as well as anyone who works with artists. The book does not provide recipes or simple solutions, but delves into the very fibre of the artist's profession, and invites the reader to explore a sustainable artistic practice."--Back cover.
9789492095404 (pbk.)
9492095408 (pbk.)
Arts Vocational guidance.
Arts Economic aspects.
Arts Management.
Arts Gestion.
Arts Orientation professionnelle.
Arts Aspect économique.
Os-Thompson, Wendy van, translator.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 303252
Cote: BIB 249365
Statut: Disponible
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