Gyorgy Kepes : undreaming the Bauhaus / John R. Blakinger.
Entrée principale:

Blakinger, John R., author.

Titre et auteur:

Gyorgy Kepes : undreaming the Bauhaus / John R. Blakinger.


Cambridge, MA : The MIT Press, [2019]


xvi, 486 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Preface: portraits of the artist -- Introduction: from the ivory tower to the control tower -- Camouflage aesthetics -- Patterns and puzzles -- Vision as value -- Darkness into light -- The military-industrial-aesthetic complex -- Artificial natures -- Epilogue: afterimages.

Gyorgy Kepes (1906-2001) was the last disciple of Bauhaus modernism, an acolyte of Laszlo Moholy-Nagy and a self-styled revolutionary artist. But by midcentury, transplanted to America, Kepes found he was trapped in the military-industrial-aesthetic complex. In this first book-length study of Kepes, John Blakinger argues that Kepes, by opening the research laboratory to the arts, established a new paradigm for creative practice: the artist as technocrat. First at Chicago's New Bauhaus and then for many years at MIT, Kepes pioneered interdisciplinary collaboration between the arts and sciences-what he termed "interthinking" and "interseeing." Kepes and his colleagues-ranging from metallurgists to mathematicians-became part of an important but little-explored constellation: the Cold War avant-garde.


9780262039864 (hardcover : alk. paper)
0262039869 (hardcover : alk. paper)


Kepes, Gyorgy, 1906-2001 Criticism and interpretation.
Kepes, Gyorgy, 1906-2001.
Kepes, Gyorgy 1906-2001
Art and science.
Art et sciences.


Criticism, interpretation, etc.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 305298
Cote: BIB 251099
Statut: Disponible


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