Architects at home / introduction by John V. Mutlow.
Mulgrave, Victoria, Australia ; New York City, NY, United States : Images Publishing Group, 2019.
319 pages : chiefly color illustrations ; 23 cm
This stunning book takes you on a thrilling tour through the fascinating, eclectic and stylish abodes of some of the world's best-known architects. Not only do these pages offer a rare glimpse into each architect's personal, private environment, but each uniquely designed project provides insight into how each architect marries trends with their own personal philosophy, and how they inject interior design flair into their own contemporary domain. Combining rich photography and spectacular imagery with an incisive summary by a leading architecture specialist, 'Architects at Home' provides a rich source for those keen to delve into the design aesthetics, concepts and innovations of prominent architects from around the globe.
9781864708134 (hardcover)
1864708131 (hardcover)
Architect-designed houses.
Architects Homes and haunts.
Maisons conçues par des architectes.
Mutlow, John V., writer of introduction.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 304975
Cote: BIB 250704
Statut: Disponible
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