57 pavilions / editor, Andrew Saunders ; foreword, Winka Dubbeldam ; contributors, Andrew Saunders, Mohamad AlKhayer, Ph.D., Ezio Blasetti, Danielle Willems, Michael Loverich, ; assistant editors, Ryan Barnette, Joanna Ptak, Elizabeth Heldridge.
[Novato, CA] : Applied Research and Design Publishing, an imprint of Oro Editions, [2018]
200 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 23 cm
57 Pavilions' is a 21st century manual documenting architectural design research at PennDesign examining new potentials for part to whole assemblies where experiments in material expression, morphology, performance and culture fuse with advanced digital design processes and fabrication to produce full-scale architectural consequences. Through the presentation of 54 half-scale pavilion projects and three full-scale pavilions a novel approach is laid out for generating higher ordered physical assemblies. The formations produce a new role of parts, material processes, and aggregations yielding a more autonomous character as discrete objects in a larger assembly. As the pavilion research moves into the world in full-scale installations, these new part to whole relationships provoke unexpected engagement with occupants, the environment, and the larger cultural context.
9781940743707 paperback
1940743702 paperback
University of Pennsylvania. Department of Architecture.
Architecture, Modern 21st century.
Architectural design Pennsylvania.
Architectural design.
Architecture, Modern.
Architecture 21e siècle.
Design architectural Pennsylvanie.
Saunders, Andrew (Architect), editor.
Dubbeldam, Winka, writer of foreword.
University of Pennsylvania. Department of Architecture, sponsoring body.
Fifty seven pavilions
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 303038
Cote: BIB 249234
Statut: Disponible
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