Aldo Cibic Microrealities project collection 2003-2006.
286 items, 0.01 linear meters of textual records
Access by appointment only.
The Aldo Cibic's Microrealities project collection, 2003-2006, documents four proposals for urban development that focus on redefining the relationship between citizens and cities. The collection contains presentation booklets which feature drawings and design work, publications and digital graphic and moving image material : 186 drawings, 97 photographic materials, 3 DVDs, 0.01 linear meter of textual records.
The architect and designer Aldo Cibic was born in Schio, Italy, in 1955. In 1979, he went to work with Ettore Sottsass and became a partner the next year. Together with other designers, they founded the Memphis group in 1980. In 1989 in Milan, Aldo Cibic founded Cibic&Partners with Luigi Marchetti, Chuck Felton and Antonella Spiezio. The firm's main interests are in architecture, graphic art, interior and industrial design. Aldo Cibic's professional activities include teaching at the Domus Academy, in the Faculty of Architecture at the Milan Polytechnic University as part of the Industrial Design degree, and in the Faculty of Design at the Architectural School of the University of Venice. With other authors and collaborators, Cibic has published, among other titles, Aldo Cibic : designer (1999), Microrealities : a project about places and people (2006), Rethinking happiness (2010), and Verso Milano Expo 2015 (2011).
Cibic, Aldo, 1955-
Public spaces.
Quality of life.
Miniature cities and towns.
Quality of Life
Espaces publics.
Qualité de la vie.
quality of life.
Italian designers.
Fonds (collections)
Architectural drawings (visual works)
Cibic, Aldo, 1955-
Localisation: Bibliothèque archives collection 293069
Cote: CD033
Statut: Disponible
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