Denari, Neil M.
Neil Denari Interrupted Projections project records, 1994-2004 1994-1996.
4,003 digital files (1 GB), 69 slides, 27 drawings and reprographic copies, 20 transparencies, 19 printouts, 7 posters and/or pamphlets, 2 VHS tapes, 1 exhibition catalogue, 1 promotional T-shirt
Access by appointment only.
The Neil Denari Interrupted Projections project records, 1994-2004 (predominant 1994-1996), document the development and installation of Denari's show "Interrupted Projections" at Gallery MA in Tokyo, Japan. The archive consists of original born-digital files and a small amount of physical material, including drawings, transparencies, slides, and promotional materials.
Architectural design History 20th century.
Architecture Data processing.
Architecture Japan History 20th century.
Architecture and technology.
Computer-aided design.
Design architectural Histoire 20e siècle.
Architecture Japon Histoire 20e siècle.
Architecture et technologie.
Conception assistée par ordinateur.
computer-aided designs (visual works)
Architectural design.
Fonds (collections)
Artifacts (object genre)
Video recordings (physical artifacts)
Slides (photographs)
Kozu, Seiichi.
Oka, Masaaki.
Koschitz, Duks.
Shimoda, Michiharu.
Localisation: Bibliothèque archives collection 293881
Cote: AP168
Statut: Disponible
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