Georg Lippsmeier Collection, 1960-2010.
1.49 l.m. of textual records, approximately 3,020 photographic materials, 31 maps, 1 videocassette
Access by appointment only.
The Georg Lippsmeier collection comprises the research collection of the Institut für Tropenbau. Founded by Georg Lippsmeier the Institute was active from the 1960s to the early 1990s. The collection includes research material on architecture in tropical climates and building technologies. The collection consists mainly of publications, which as published material is accessible through the CCA library to facilitate description and access. These publications can be found and requested for consultation on the CCA website using the search term "Georg Lippsmeier collection." There are about 1200 monographs and 400 periodicals. The publications are mostly from the 1960s to the 1980s and are mainly in German, English, French, and Spanish. The collection includes numerous publications related to architecture and construction in tropical climates in Africa, Southeast Asia, South America and Oceania. A major theme across these publications is housing in the developing world. These publications are complemented by numerous reports from organizations such as the World Bank, the Ford Foundation, and various branches of the United Nations. Publications on projects designed by Lippsmeier and his associates can also be found in the collection, as well as material on building schools and health centres in developing countries. Publications of the research findings of the Institut für Tropenbau are also represented in the collection.
Architecture Africa.
Architecture South America.
Architecture Central America.
Architecture Asia.
Architecture Amérique centrale.
Architecture Afrique.
Architecture Amérique du Sud.
Architecture Asie.
Central America
South America
Fonds (collections)
Slides (photographs)
Video recordings (physical artifacts)
Lippsmeier, Georg collector.
African Architecture Matters.
Georg Lippsmeier Collection.
Institut für Tropenbau Doktor-Ingenieur Georg Lippsmeier.
Localisation: Bibliothèque archives collection 301988
Cote: CD037
Statut: Disponible
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