Spuybroek, Lars.
Lars Spuybroek fonds, 1980-2010.
3,463 photographic materials, 2,136 drawings, 0,60 l.m. of textual records, 6 works of art, 4 artefacts, 2 serials
Access by appointment only.
The Lars Spuybroek fonds documents the professional practice of architect Lars Spuybroek from his early projects in the 1990s to projects undertaken with his firm NOX from 1995 to 2010. The majority of the documents in the fonds consist of photographic materials, drawings and textual records relating to over 70 projects, such as the H2Oexpo in Neeltje Jans Island, Netherlands (1997), the Maison Folie in Nantes, France (2001) and the D-Tower in Doetinchem, Netherlands (2004).
Spuybroek, Lars.
NOX (Firm)
Architecture Netherlands 20th century Designs and plans.
Architecture Netherlands 21st century Designs and plans.
Architecture Competitions Netherlands 20th century.
Architecture Competitions Netherlands 21st century.
Industrial design Europe 20th century Designs and plans.
Industrial design Europe 21st century Designs and plans.
Public buildings Europe 20th century.
Public buildings Europe 21st century.
Public buildings Asia 21st century.
Architecture Pays-Bas 20e siècle Dessins et plans.
Architecture Pays-Bas 21e siècle Dessins et plans.
Design Europe 20e siècle Dessins et plans.
Design Europe 21e siècle Dessins et plans.
Bâtiments publics Europe 20e siècle.
Bâtiments publics Europe 21e siècle.
Bâtiments publics Asie 21e siècle.
Architecture Competitions
Industrial design
Public buildings
Architecture (object genre) Netherlands 1980-2010.
Architecture (object genre) Europe 1980-2010.
Dutch architectural firms.
Dutch architects.
Fonds (collections)
Slides (photographs)
Project files.
Architectural drawings (visual works)
Architectural drawings
NOX (Firm)
Lars Spuybroek archives, 1980-2010
Localisation: Bibliothèque archives collection 295773
Cote: AP173
Statut: Disponible
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