Chu, Karl S. interviewee, architect.
Karl Chu and Greg Lynn discuss X Phylum and Catastrophe Machine / editor, Greg Lynn.
Montréal, Québec : Canadian Centre for Architecture, [2015]
1 online resource : illustrations (chiefly color), video files.
Archaeology of the digital ; 08
Greg Lynn and Karl Chu discuss X Phylum and the Catastrophe Machine, two projects that explore topological modelling and non-linear geometry through digital and analog means. This is part of the CCA multi-year research project Archaeology of the Digital, investigating the development and use of computers in architecture.
Architecture Data processing.
Architecture and technology.
Architecture et technologie.
Lynn, Greg editor, interviewer.
Centre canadien d'architecture, issuing body.
Archaeology of the digital (Series) ; 08.
X Phylum / Catastrophe Machine
Localisation: Bibliothèque study room tablet 300054
Cote: 300054
Statut: Disponible
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