Powell, Ken, 1947- author.
Arup Associates / Kenneth Powell.
Swindon : Historic England, 2018.
xxi, 161 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 24 cm.
Twentieth century architects
Arup Associates, a major presence on the British architectural scene for more than half a century, emerged from the famous engineering consultancy founded by Ove Arup in 1946 and reflected Arup's own vision of "total design", formed in the 1930s in his groundbreaking collaborations with Berthold Lubetkin. With architects, engineers and other professionals working in groups, it offered a uniquely interdisciplinary approach to the design of buildings. From early groundbreaking factories to a series of university commissions, innovative offices, and cultural projects, including the Snape Maltings concert hall, the practice moved on to become a major player on the London development scene with its projects at Finsbury Avenue and Broadgate. This book, the first monograph on Arup Associates for more than 30 years, discusses the work of the firm from the years of the Arup Building Group in the 1950s to the 1990s and assesses the contribution of its leading designers, including Sir Philip Dowson, Derek Sugden and Peter Foggo. The text is based on interviews with many former and current members of the practice.0.
9781848023673 (paperback)
1848023677 (paperback)
Arup Associates History 20th century.
Arup Associates History 20th century Pictorial works.
Arup Associates
Architects Great Britain History 20th century.
Architectes Grande-Bretagne Histoire 20e siècle.
Architectural firms
Great Britain
architectural drawings (visual works)
Pictorial works
Architectural drawings
Dessins d'architecture.
Twentieth century architects.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 302870
Cote: BIB 249029
Statut: Disponible
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