Structured lineages : learning from Japanese structural design / edited by Guy Nordenson.
Titre et auteur:

Structured lineages : learning from Japanese structural design / edited by Guy Nordenson.


New York, N.Y. : The Museum of Modern Art, [2019]


229 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 25 cm

Published in conjunction with the symposium of the same name held at the Museum of Modern Art on April 30, 2016, which was organized in conjunction with the exhibition " A Japanese Constellation: Toyo Ito, SANAA, and Beyond" on view March 13-July 31, 2016
Includes bibliographical references and index.
In English.

"Structured Lineages: Learning from Japanese Structural Design presents a selection of essays and roundtable discussions by internationally recognized structural engineers on the intertwined traditions of architecture and engineering in postwar Japan. Originally delivered as talks at a symposium held at the Museum of Modern Art in 2016 (on the occasion of the exhibition 'A Japanese Constellation: Toyo Ito, SANAA, and Beyond'), the ten essays gathered in this volume offer insight into the collaborations between architects and structural engineers that engendered many of the most important buildings erected in Japan after 1945, with special focus on the work of Tsuboi Yoshikatsu, Kawaguchi Mamoru, Saitō Masao, Matsui Gengo, Kimura Toshihiko, Sasaki Mutsurō. Charting a largely unexplored history in a manner at once scholarly and accessible, these conversations and essays--each accompanied by an expansive array of archival and contemporary photographs--illustrate how intimately the innovations of this collaborative tradition passed from one generation to the next. Some of Japan's most recognizable, globally influential designs are traced to their origins in a mentor's earlier experiments. The diverse backgrounds of the scholars and engineers who contributed to Structured Lineages inform the book's uniquely international perspective on the spirit of creativity and cooperation that arose in Japan in the latter half of the 20th century and persists in Japanese architectural practices to this day."-- Back cover.


9781633450561 (paperback)
1633450562 (paperback)


Architecture Japan History 20th century.
Architecture Japan History 21st century.
Architecture, Japanese History 20th century.
Structural design.
Structural engineering Japan.
Architecture Japon Histoire 20e siècle.
Architecture Japon Histoire 21e siècle.
Architecture japonaise Histoire 20e siècle.
Constructions Calcul.
Technique de la construction Japon.
Architecture, Japanese.
Structural engineering.



Vedettes secondaires:

Nordenson, Guy, editor, curator.
Japanese constellation, Toyo Ito, SANAA, and beyond.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 307242
Cote: BIB 252734
Statut: Disponible


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