Creasy, Max, 1976- photographer.
Footnotes, backgrounds, sheds : the Drawing Matter Archive by Hugh Strange Architects / photographs by Max Creasy ; essay by Elizabeth Hatz ; Editors: Dan Rule, Justine Ellis and Nadiah Abdulrahim ; Design: Daly & Lyon.
First edition.
Melbourne, Australia : Perimeter Editions, [2018]
Germany : Printed in Germany by Druckerei zu Altenburg GmbH
72 unnumbered pages : chiefly color illustrations ; 30 x 24 cm
Perimeter Editions ; 037
It is the seemingly peripheral details and gestures that come to anchor this collection of images. Like the building they document, these photographs of the Drawing Matter Archive at the working Shatwell Farm in Somerset, UK, find their bearings in the backgrounds, the contextual minutiae, and the footnotes. Taking the form of a three-way conversation between the Archive's architect, Hugh Strange, Norwegian-Australian photographer Max Creasy, and Swedish academic, architect and writer Elizabeth Hatz, this book not only offers a subtly poetic and expansive vantage on the Archive, the collection it houses, and its place in the surrounding farm, but also forwards a wider précis on the built form; one in which architecture is layered, living, and lived. --Publisher's website.
London-based office Hugh Strange Architects has developed a reputation for producing buildings that marry an attention to material and structure with precise, contextually considered responses to sensitive urban and rural sites. Strange's Architectural Archive was nominated for the 2015 European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture - Mies van der Rohe Award, and won RIBA National and Regional Awards the same year. --Publisher's website.
Max Creasy is a Norwegian-Australian photographer living and working between London and Berlin. His photographic practice explores systems of meaning through architecture, the archive and still life. His work has been widely exhibited at commercial and institutional galleries including the Centre for Contemporary Photography (Melbourne), West Space (Melbourne) and the Australian Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale. He regularly collaborates with other artists, curators and architects including James Taylor-Foster, OK-RM and the REAL Foundation, and his editorial work is published widely. --Publisher's website.
Elizabeth Hatz is a practicing architect, professor and art curator, sharing her time between practice, research and teaching positions at the University of Limerick and KTH Stockholm. Her built work includes Kodak Headquarters, Gothenburg; Stockholm Globe Arena; and buildings for AKSO-Nobel, Stockholm. Hatz curated ev+a 2010, Ireland's pre-eminent art event. As head of SAR (Swedish Architects Association), she co-founded Fargfabriken, a renowned site for art and architecture in Stockholm. --Publisher's website.
9780648262855 (paperback)
0648262855 (paperback)
Drawing Matter Archive (Shatwell Farm, Somerset, England)
Hugh Strange Architects.
Archive buildings England Somerset Pictorial works.
Sheds England Somerset Pictorial works.
Architectural photography England Somerset.
Architectural drawing Collectors and collecting.
Archives (Édifices) Angleterre Somerset Ouvrages illustrés.
Hangars Angleterre Somerset Ouvrages illustrés.
Photographie d'architecture Angleterre Somerset.
Architectural photography
Archive buildings
England Somerset
Illustrated works
Hatz, Elizabeth, writer of supplementary textual content.
Rule, Dan, editor.
Ellis, Justine, editor.
Abdulrahim, Nadiah, editor.
Daly & Lyon, book designer.
Drawing Matter Archive by Hugh Strange Architects
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 308105
Cote: BIB 253549
Statut: Disponible
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