The art of vaulting : design and construction in the Mediterranean Gothic / Paula Fuentes, Anke Wunderwald (eds.).
Basel : Birkhaüser, [2019]
234 pages, 4 unnumbered folded page of plates : illustrations (some color), facsimile, plans ; 29 cm
Kulturelle und technische Werte historischer Bauten ; Band 2
Some of the highest and widest vault constructions produced in the Middle Ages are located in the Mediterranean area. Outstanding buildings with remarkable vaults and buttressing, such as the Cathedral of Majorca, are evidence of a lively technology transfer and contemporary developments. International experts trace the complex processes of Medieval design and construction. They research structural patterns in the processes involved, analyze building methods, and relate their findings to historic documents. The approach of combining field research with the study of literary sources provides a fresh look at the impressive monuments and shines new light on technological advances and construction technology of the time.
9783035618242 (hardcover)
3035618240 (hardcover)
Gelabert, Joseph 1621-1668
Vaults (Architecture), Gothic Mediterranean Region.
Vaults (Architecture), Medieval Mediterranean Region.
Architecture, Late Gothic Mediterranean Region.
Architecture, Medieval Mediterranean Region.
Architecture, Late Gothic.
Architecture, Medieval.
Vaults (Architecture), Gothic.
Vaults (Architecture), Medieval.
Mediterranean Region.
Kathedrale Palma de Mallorca
Fuentes González, Paula, editor.
Wunderwald, Anke, editor.
Design and construction in the Mediterranean Gothic
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 305539
Cote: BIB 251505
Statut: Disponible
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