Urbanizing nature : actors and agency (dis)connecting cities and nature since 1500 / edited by Tim Soens, Dieter Schott, Michael Toyka-Seid, and Bert De Munck.
New York : Routledge, 2019.
xiii, 341 pages ; 24 cm.
Routledge advances in urban history
What do we mean when we say that cities have altered humanity's interaction with nature? The more people are living in cities, the more nature is said to be "urbanizing": turned into a resource, mobilized over long distances, controlled, transformed and then striking back with a vengeance as "natural disaster". Confronting insights derived from Environmental History, Science and Technology Studies or Political Ecology, Urbanizing Nature aims to counter teleological perspectives on the birth of modern "urban nature" as a uniform and linear process, showing how new technological schemes, new actors and new definitions of nature emerged in cities from the sixteenth to the twentieth century.
9780367110864 hardcover
0367110865 hardcover
Urban ecology (Sociology) Europe History.
Urbanization Environmental aspects Europe History.
Cities and towns Europe History.
Human ecology Europe History.
Nature Effect of human beings on Europe History.
Écologie urbaine Europe Histoire.
Urbanisation Aspect de l'environnement Europe Histoire.
Villes Europe Histoire.
Homme Influence sur la nature Europe Histoire.
Cities and towns.
Human ecology.
Nature Effect of human beings on.
Urban ecology (Sociology)
Urbanization Environmental aspects.
Soens, Tim, editor.
Schott, Dieter, editor.
Toyka-Seid, Michael, editor.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 304926
Cote: BIB 250662
Statut: Disponible
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