Wilhelm, Henry Gilmer, 1943- author.
The permanence and care of color photographs : traditional and digital color prints, color negatives, slides, and motion pictures / by Henry Wilhelm with contributing author, Carol Brower.
First edition.
Grinnell, Iowa, U.S.A. : Preservation Publishing Company, [1993]
ix, 744 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 29 cm
Reference source for the care and preservation of photographs and motion picture film. Evaluates the light fading and dark fading/yellowing characteristics of color transparency films, color negative films, and color photographic papers, with recommendations for the longest-lasting products. High-resolution ink jet, dye sublimation, color electrophotographic, and other digital imaging technologies are discussed, as are conservation matting, mount boards, framing, slide pages, negative and print enclosures, storage boxes, densitometric monitoring of black-and-white and color prints in museum and archive collections, the care of color slide collections, the permanent preservation of color motion pictures, the preservation of cellulose nitrate films, and many other topics.
0911515003 (hardbound ; alkaline paper)
9780911515008 (hardbound ; alkaline paper)
0911515011 (paperback ; alkaline paper)
9780911515015 (paperback ; alkaline paper)
Photographs Conservation and restoration.
Motion picture film Preservation.
Motion pictures.
Motion Pictures
Photographies Conservation et restauration.
Films (Pellicules cinématographiques) Conservation.
Conservacao museografica.
Motion pictures.
Brower, Carol, 1951- author.
United States Iowa Grinnell.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 74065
Cote: TR465.W55 (ID:92-B1955)
Statut: Disponible
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