A modern archives reader : basic readings on archival theory and practice / edited by Maygene F. Daniels and Timothy Walch.
Titre et auteur:

A modern archives reader : basic readings on archival theory and practice / edited by Maygene F. Daniels and Timothy Walch.


Washington, D.C. : National Archives and Records Service, U.S. General Services Administration, 1984.


xv, 357 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 343-346) and index.
1. The European tradition. Some aspects of archival development since the French Revolution / Ernst Posner -- Reflections of an archivist / Hilary Jenkinson -- 2. Pre-archival functions. Archivists and records managers : variations on a theme / Frank B. Evans -- Records management and the walking archivist / Patricia Bartkowski -- Archival Janus : the records center / Herbert E. Angel -- 3. Records appraisal. The appraisal of modern public records / T.R. Schellenberg -- Appraising machine-readable records / Charles M. Dollar -- No grandfather clause : reappraising accessioned records / Leonard Rapport -- Intrinsic value in archival materials -- 4. Archival acquisition. Good sense and good judgement : defining collections and collecting / Mary Lynn McCree -- Archival collection development : building a successful acquisitions program / Richard M. Kesner -- A primer on manuscript field work / Virginia R. Stewart -- The gift and the deed / Trudy Huskamp Peterson -- 5. Arrangement. Archival principles of arrangement / T.R. Schellenberg -- Archival arrangement--five different operations at five levels / Oliver W. Holmes -- Organizing photo collections : an introspective approach / Nancy E. Malan -- Aural and graphic archives and manuscripts / Ralph E. Ehrenberg -- 6. Description. Efficient finding aids : developing a system for control of archives and manuscripts / Lydia Lucas -- The preparation of inventories at the National Archives / Edward E. Hill -- The place of the register in the manuscripts division of the Library of Congress / Katharine E. Brand -- Subject guides / Virginia C. Purdy.
7. Reference. Reference / George Chalou -- The illusion of omniscience : subject access and the reference archivist / Mary Jo Pugh -- 8. Public programs. Education programs : outreach as an administrative function / Elsie Freeman [Freivogel] -- Archival exhibits : considerations and caveats / Joan Rabins -- 9. Establishing priorities. Management concepts and archival administration / James C. Worthy -- When is a collection processed? / Megan Floyd Desnoyers -- The archival edge / F. Gerald Ham -- Appendix. Introduction to archival terminology / Maygene F. Daniels.
Also issued online.

0911333126 (paperback)
9780911333121 (paperback)


Archives Administration.
Archives Processing Reference books.
Archival materials.
Archives, Technical.
Government publications United States.
Archives Gestion.
Archivistique Ouvrages de référence.
Documents d'archives.
Archives techniques.
Publications officielles États-Unis.
Archives Processing


Reference works

Vedettes secondaires:

Daniels, Maygene F., editor.
Walch, Timothy, 1947- editor.
United States. National Archives and Records Service, publisher.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main archives 116492
Cote: ID ARCH; ID:86-B3490
Statut: Disponible


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