Beasley, Larry, 1948- author.
Vancouverism / Larry Beasley ; with a prologue by Frances Bula.
Vancouver, BC : On Point Press, an imprint of UBC Press, [2019]
424 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), color maps ; 26 x 20 cm
"Until the 1980s, Vancouver was a typical mid-sized North American city. But between Expo 86 and the Olympic Games in 2010, something extraordinary happened. This otherwise unremarkable city underwent a radical transformation that saw it emerge as an inspiring world-class metropolis celebrated for its liveability, sustainability, and competitiveness. City-watchers everywhere took notice and wanted to learn more about this new model of urban growth, and the term "Vancouverism" was born. This book tells the story of "Vancouverism" and the urban planning philosophy and practice behind it. The author is a former chief planner of the City of Vancouver and a key player at the heart of the action. Writing from an insider's perspective, Larry Beasley traces the principles that inspired Vancouverism and the policy framework developed to implement it. The prologue, written by prominent Vancouver journalist Frances Bula, outlines the political and urban history of Vancouver up until the 1980s. The text is also beautifully illustrated by the author with more than 200 colour photographs. Cities everywhere are asking the same question. Shall we shape change or will change shape us? This book shows how one city discovered positive answers, and it offers the principles, tools, and inspiration for others to follow."-- Provided by publisher.
9780774890311 paperback
0774890312 paperback
Urban renewal British Columbia Vancouver.
City planning British Columbia Vancouver.
Rénovation urbaine Colombie-Britannique Vancouver.
Urbanisme Colombie-Britannique Vancouver.
City planning.
Urban renewal.
Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklungsprojekte umsetzen
Vancouver (B.C.)
Vancouver (C.-B.)
British Columbia Vancouver.
Bula, Frances, writer of prologue.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 305190
Cote: BIB 250992
Statut: Disponible
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