Psyop : an anthology / authors, Karen Archey [and many others] ; coeditors, Karen Archey, Metahaven.
Entrée principale:

Metahaven (Design studio), artist, editor.

Titre et auteur:

Psyop : an anthology / authors, Karen Archey [and many others] ; coeditors, Karen Archey, Metahaven.


Amsterdam : Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, [2018]


158 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 34 x 25 cm


Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam ; no. 941

Published on the occasion of the exhibition Metahaven: EARTH, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, October 6, 2018-February 24, 2019 and accompanies the concurrent exhibition, Metahaven: VERSION HISTORY, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, October 3, 2018-January 13, 2019.
Contributors: Karen Archey, Richard Birkett, Benjamin H. Bratton, Kate Cooper, Laura Cugusi, Mathew Dryhurst, Anastasiia Fedorova, Maryam Monalisa Gharavi, Holly Herndon, Maria Lind, M.E.S.H., Metahaven, Jasmina Metwaly, Malka Older, Eugene Ostashevsky, Philip Rizk, Ana Teixeira Pinto, Brian Kuan Wood, Yulia Yefimtchuk, Juha van't Zelfde.
"Cat. nr. (Amsterdam (Netherlands). Stedelijk Museum)."
Includes bibliographical references.
Forewords. Bart van der Heide ; Stefan Kalmar, Richard Birkett -- Essays. Cloudy weather / Karen Archey -- Turn to an undead channel / Ana Teixeira Pinto -- Experiments. Hiatus / Malka Older -- Conversations with Metahaven. Voice as anchor / Mathew Dryhurst, Holly Herndon -- Propaganda is now another name for communication itself / Suhail Malik -- In Spring / Yulia Yefimtchuk -- Urgency / Laura Cugusi, Jasmina Metwaly, Philip Rizk -- The new easthetic / Anastasiia Fedorova, M.E.S.H. -- The design of what and for what / Benjamin H. Bratton, Maria Lind -- Pirates, parrots, poetry / Eugene Ostashevsky -- "Who you love is a fact" / Richard Birkett -- Post-fact and virtual reality -- Kate Cooper, Lil Internet -- The best burden / Brian Kuan Wood -- Exchanges with Metahaven. Pictogram / Maryann Monalisa Gharavi -- Feedback (a Playlist) / Julia van 't Zelfde -- Film scripts. Hometown -- Information skies -- The sprawl (propaganda about propaganda) -- Field report. Eurasia (Questions on happiness) -- Back matter.

"The work of Metahaven consists of filmmaking, writing, graphic design, and installations, and is united by interests in poetry, storytelling, digital superstructures, and propaganda. Central to their practice is the narration of technological and political conditions through aesthetically immersive plots. Told through a multitude of languages and genres, their work imagines alternate realities and potential futures, and builds on a lineage of filmmakers and artists who use investigative and speculative methods to pinpoint the urgencies of their time"--Page 4 of cover


9783960983620 (paperback)
396098362X (paperback)


Metahaven (Design studio) Exhibitions.
Metahaven (Design studio) Expositions.
Narrative art Exhibitions.
Art narratif Expositions.
20.10 art and society: general.
Narrative art.


Exhibition Publications.
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs.
Catalogues d'exposition.

Vedettes secondaires:

Archey, Karen, author, editor.
Amsterdam (Netherlands). Stedelijk Museum, host institution.
Institute of Contemporary Arts (London, England), host institution.
Metahaven: EARTH
Cat. nr. (Amsterdam (Netherlands). Stedelijk Museum) ; no. 941

Metahaven : Psyop : an anthology


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 304256
Cote: BIB 249780
Statut: Disponible


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