Off the grid : houses for escape / Dominic Bradbury.
Entrée principale:

Bradbury, Dominic, author.

Titre et auteur:

Off the grid : houses for escape / Dominic Bradbury.


New York, NY : Thames & Hudson, 2019.


271 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 30 cm

"310 illustrations."
Includes index.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 267-268) and index.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction -- Countryside and forest -- Hillside and mountains -- Waterside and coast -- Off-grid guide -- Architectural plans -- Architects and designers -- Author biography -- Author acknowledgements -- Picture credits -- Index.

Recent advances in technologies and home-generated renewable energy have made building away from urban and rural infrastructures more practical and affordable than ever. This survey of the world's most innovative off-grid homes reveals the cuttingedge architecture and technology that is enabling us to escape to some of the most extraordinary natural environments on the planet. All of the houses featured in this book are fully, or almost fully, self-sufficient in terms of energy, water and, in some cases, food. Architecture and interior design expert Dominic Bradbury reveals how each architect has made everyday living in these wild and natural settings a rewarding and tempting reality. From snowbound cabins in the far Northern Hemisphere to coastal retreats that can only be accessed by boat, the diverse projects collected here show the innovative ways in which architects and their clients are tackling extreme climates, remoteness and construction challenges to enable a new way of life that is both liberating and sustainable. The imperative to reduce our carbon footprints and refocus on renewable sources of energy is having a profound impact on our domestic lives. This fascinating survey demonstrates that creative architecture, design and technology are redefining the possibilities for leading a truly rewarding and responsible lifestyle.


9780500021422 (hardcover)
0500021422 (hardcover)


Architecture, Domestic Environmental aspects.
Self-reliant living.
Architecture and energy conservation.
Sustainable architecture.
Autosuffisance (Style de vie)
Architecture et économies d'énergie.
Architecture durable.
energy efficient buildings.
Architecture and Planning.
Ecological houses
Architecture, Domestic - Environmental aspects.


Illustrated works
Ouvrages illustrés.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 304545
Cote: BIB 250130
Statut: Disponible


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