The long now : Public Studio.
Toronto, ON, Canada : Art Gallery of York University, 2018.
173 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 23 cm
"The Long Now covers the collaborative art practice of filmmaker Elle Flanders and architect Tamira Sawatzky, collectively known as Public Studio. A wide-ranging interview with the artists by curators Emelie Chhangur and Philip Monk interrogates the frameworks from which their engaged practice emerged. Additional reflections on their work come from essays by TJ Demos, John Greyson, Susan Schuppli, and Jayne Wilkinson. Public Studio creates large-scale public art works, lens-based works, films, and immersive installations. Grounded in the personal, social, and political implications of landscape, Public Studio's multidisciplinary practice engages themes of political dissent, war and militarization, and ecology and urbanization. Deeply collaborative and site-responsive, their work forges new understandings of what it means to be an engaged citizen today."-- Provided by publisher.
9780921972754 (softcover)
Public Studio (Group of artists)
Art, Canadian 21st century.
Art and society.
Artistic collaboration.
Art canadien 21e siècle.
Art et société.
Collaboration artisitique.
Collaboration artistique.
Art, Canadian.
Monk, Philip, 1950- writer of introduction.
Chhangur, Emelie, writer of introduction.
York University (Toronto, Ont.). Art Gallery, issuing body.
Public Studio
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 306001
Cote: BIB 251710
Statut: Disponible
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