Hatherley, Owen commentator.
Live annotation : Owen Hatherley interrupts Open University course A305, episode 14, "English flats of the thirties".
[Montréal] : Canadian Centre for Architecture, [2018]
1 streaming video file (1 hr., 7 min., 41 sec.) : sound, colour
Author and critic Owen Hatherley presents and comments on a television broadcast of Open University course A305, for contemporary eyes and ears. The episode, "English Flats of the Thirties," juxtaposes two housing schemes, one in London and one in Leeds, one public and one private, one modelled on the monumental mass housing of Red Vienna and one on the ideas of Le Corbusier. Looking at how these buildings were perceived in the 1970s, Hatherley reflects both on the changing reputation of modernist mass housing and attitudes toward working class housing and the architectural avant-garde. Why did one of the buildings become "iconic" and get preserved, while the other was demolished?
Apartment houses England 20th century.
Architecture, Domestic England History 20th century.
Apartments England 20th century.
Educational broadcasting in adult education.
Appartements Angleterre 20e siècle.
Radiodiffusion éducative en éducation des adultes.
Apartment houses.
Architecture, Domestic.
Video recordings (physical artifacts)
Streaming video.
Benton, Tim, 1945- instructor.
Bratishenko, Lev.
Boissier, Philippe director, editor of moving image work.
Centre canadien d'architecture, issuing body, organizer, host institution.
Centre canadien d'architecture. Enregistrements des événements.
Centre canadien d'architecture. CCAchannel.
Live annotation : Owen Hatherley
Course title: English flats of the thirties
French title on CCA website : Annotation en direct : Owen Hatherley
Localisation: Bibliothèque internet resource 303880
Cote: 303880
Statut: Disponible
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