Lie of the land (Milton Keynes Gallery)
The lie of the land / editors: Fay Blanchard, Gerrie van Noord, and Anthony Spira.
Central Milton Keynes : MK Gallery, [2019]
224 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm
'The Lie of the Land' charts how the British landscape has been radically transformed by changes in free time and leisure activities since hunting and shooting, the recreations of the aristocracy, were enjoyed on the rolling hills of their private estates. The exhibition's ambition to capture a visionary spirit of grand designs tempered by the realities of political expediency, across a time-period of three centuries. Featuring the work of almost 100 influential cultural figures, including: ARCHITECTS: Derek Walker, Archigram, Norman Foster, Buckminster Fuller, Superstudio, Edwin Lutyens, Joseph Paxton, Cedric Price, Alison and Peter Smithson. ARTISTS: John Berger, Jeremy Deller, Tracey Emin, Rose English, Thomas Gainsborough, Richard Hamilton, Linder, L.S. Lowry, Henry Moore, William Morris, Paul Nash, Nils Norman, Eduardo Paolozzi, Bridget Riley, John Ruskin, Yinka Shonibare MBE, David Shrigley, Jo Spence, James Tissot, J.M.W. Turner, Rachel Whiteread, and Stephen Willats.
9780992857417 (paperback)
0992857414 (paperback)
Landscape architecture Social aspects England Exhibitions.
City planning Social aspects England Exhibitions.
Leisure Social aspects England Exhibitions.
Art Themes, motives Exhibitions.
Leisure in art Exhibitions.
Recreation in art Exhibitions.
Architecture du paysage Aspect social Angleterre Expositions.
Loisirs Aspect social Angleterre Expositions.
Art Thèmes, motifs Expositions.
Loisir dans l'art Expositions.
Loisirs dans l'art Expositions.
Art and Design.
Art Themes, motives
City planning Social aspects
Landscape architecture Social aspects
Leisure in art
Leisure Social aspects
Recreation in art
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs
Catalogues d'exposition.
Blanchard, Fay, editor.
Noord, Gerrie van, editor.
Spira, Anthony, editor.
Milton Keynes Gallery, host institution, issuing body.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 305758
Cote: BIB 251611
Statut: Disponible
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