Design for living (West Vancouver, B.C.)
Design for living : West Coast modern homes revisited.
West Vancouver, BC : West Vancouver Art Museum, [2019]
142 pages : illustrations (chiefly colour) ; 25 cm
""Does Your House Fit You?" In 1949, the Community Arts Council of Vancouver posed this question in their catalogue for the seminal Design for Living exhibition at the Vancouver Art Gallery, arguably marking the birth of Canada's West Coast Modernist tradition in art and architecture. Seventy years later, many of these modernist homes have been demolished for redevelopment, and yet many more have been renovated and preserved, reminders of the spirit of invention, experimentation, and enlightenment that characterized their original design. This catalogue, which accompanies an exhibition of the same name, presents eight case studies that represent a spectrum of modernist homes. Some are by well-known architects and designers, while others are by lesser-known builders, but all of which have been restored, updated, and adapted to the needs of contemporary family life, while remaining true to the modernist spirit in which they were originally created."-- Provided by publisher.
9781989236024 (softcover)
Architecture, Domestic British Columbia Vancouver Exhibitions.
Midcentury modern (Architecture) British Columbia Vancouver Exhibitions.
Dwellings British Columbia Vancouver Pictorial works Exhibitions.
Architecture domestique Colombie-Britannique Vancouver Expositions.
Modernisme du milieu du siècle (Architecture) Colombie-Britannique Vancouver Expositions.
Habitations Colombie-Britannique Vancouver Ouvrages illustrés Expositions.
Architecture, Domestic.
Midcentury modern (Architecture)
Vancouver (B.C.) Buildings, structures, etc. Exhibitions.
Vancouver (C.-B.) Constructions Expositions.
British Columbia Vancouver.
Exhibition catalogs.
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition, pictorial works.
Catalogues d'exposition.
Morrison, Darrin, 1965- writer of introduction.
Bellerby, Greg. Modernizing the modern.
West Vancouver Art Museum, host institution, publisher.
West Coast modern homes revisited
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 307464
Cote: BIB 252942
Statut: Disponible
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