Photoscapes : the nexus between photography and landscape design / edited by Frédéric Pousin ; translation from French, Chris Hinton and Nicolas Carter.
Entrée principale:

Photopaysage. English.

Titre et auteur:

Photoscapes : the nexus between photography and landscape design / edited by Frédéric Pousin ; translation from French, Chris Hinton and Nicolas Carter.


Basel, Switzerland : Birkhäuser Verlag GmbH, [2019]


255 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 26 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
Milestones for an Intercultural Approach / Frederic Pousin -- Filling in the Picture: A Broader Perspective on National Park Photography / Timothy Davis -- 1994 A Decade of Photographic Missions in Town and Country Planning Institutions / Raphaele Bertho -- J. B. Jackson, Photography and the Quickening of Cultural Landscape Studies / Chris Wilson -- Order and Ambiguity: The Urban Landscape in J. B. Jackson's Magazine Landscape / Bruno Notteboom -- Seeing is Believing/Looks are Deceiving: Photography in American Landscape Architecture Practice, 1950-2000 / Laurie Olin -- The Photographic Discourses of Gilles Clement / Frederic Pousin -- From Photorealism to Post-Photography: The Imagined Landscapes of Bureau Bas Smets / Marie-Madeleine Ozdoba -- When the Camera Sticks its Lens into the Landscape Project: Gerard Dufresne and Alain Marguerit -- a Thirty-year Collaboration / Sonia Keravel -- Apres Strand, an Anatomy of Bertrand Carriere's Photographic Project / Franck Michel -- Photographers' Conversation / Frederic Pousin.

Landscape architecture and photography are closely interrelated, since the former is a constantly evolving thing that can be captured in stills, even eternalized, by photography. What role does photography play in landscape design? How does photography create a new context for landscape? The book investigates such questions in nine essays by North-American and French scientists, using landscape designs that were created from the 1950s to today. The analysis is supplemented by conversations with the respective landscape architects and photographers, as well as by five portfolios of different landscape architecture photographers.




Architecture and photography.
Landscape design Philosophy.
Landscape photography.
Architecture et photographie.
Aménagement paysager Philosophie.
Photographie de paysages.

Vedettes secondaires:

Pousin, Frédéric, editor.

Photo scapes


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 306307
Cote: BIB 251922
Statut: Prêt externe


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