The practical draughtsman's book of industrial design, and machinist's and engineer's drawing companion : forming a complete course of mechanical, engineering, and architectural drawing / Tr. from the French of M. Armengaud, the elder and MM. Armengaud, the younger, and Amouroux. Rewritten and arranged, with additional matter and plates, selections from and examples of the most useful and generally employed mechanism of the day. By William Johnson.
Entrée principale:

Armengaud, aîné (Jacques-Eugène), 1810-1891, author.

Titre et auteur:

The practical draughtsman's book of industrial design, and machinist's and engineer's drawing companion : forming a complete course of mechanical, engineering, and architectural drawing / Tr. from the French of M. Armengaud, the elder and MM. Armengaud, the younger, and Amouroux. Rewritten and arranged, with additional matter and plates, selections from and examples of the most useful and generally employed mechanism of the day. By William Johnson.


New York : Stringer & Townsend, 1854.


1 online resource (ix, v, 196 pages, 55 variously numbered leaves of plates)

Includes index.
Rest of title page: " ... rewritten and arranged, with additional matter and plates, selections from and examples of the most useful and generally employed mechanism of the day, by William Johnson ; translated from the French of M. Armengaud, the elder ... and MM. Armengaud, the younger, and Amoureux ..."
Plates signed: Dulos sculp.; Armengaud freres et Amouroux; J. Petitcolin sculp.; printed by Mackay & Kirkwood, W. Johnson, patent offices, London, Glasgow, & Edinburgh; engraved by H. Adlard; engd. by G. Aikman.
Translation of: Nouveau cours raisonné de dessin industriel appliqué principalement a la méchanique et a l'architecture.
Chapter I. Linear drawing. -- Chapter II. The study of projections. -- Chapter III. On colouring sections, with applications. -- Chapter IV. The intersection and development of surfaces, with applications. -- Chapter V. The study and construction of toothed gear. -- Chapter VI. Continuation of the study of toothed gear. -- Chapter VII. Elementary principles of shadows. -- Chapter VIII. Application of shadows to toothed gear. -- Chapter IX. The cutting and shaping of masonry. -- Chapter X. The study of machinery and sketching. -- Chapter XI. Oblique projections. -- Chapter XII. Parallel perspective. -- Chapter XIII. True perspective. -- Chapter XIV. Examples of finished drawings of machinery. -- Chapter XV. Drawing instruments. -- Index to the tables.
Mary Ann Beinecke Decorative Art Collection. Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute Library.
Additional electronic version available through Internet Archive. https://archive.org/details/practicaldraught1896arme.

An early American architectural manual taken from an important French work, it is a comprehensive treatment of the fundamentals of mechanical drawing including shading and perspective. The plates illustrating geometrical, mechanical and architectural shapes are meant to assist the draughtsman in his work.


Decorative arts.
Drawing Technique.
Arts décoratifs.
Dessin Technique.
Industrial design.
Drawing Study and teaching.
Architectural drawing.
Mechanical drawing.

Vedettes secondaires:

Armengaud, Charles A., 1813-1893, translator.
Aikman, George, engraver.
Dulos, engraver.
Petitcolin, J., engraver.
Adlard, Henry, engraver.
Mackay & Kirkwood, printer.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 116474
Cote: ID:96-B3047
Statut: Disponible


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