The identity of the architect : culture & communication / guest-edited by Laura Iloniemi ; [contributors, Nigel Coates [and nineteen others]].
Oxford ; Chichester, West Sussex, England : John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019.
136 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), color plans ; 29 cm
Profile ; no. 262
Architectural design ; vol. 89, 06.
Today there are more tools for communication that ever before, yet very little in the way of reflection on how these are being used and even less on what exactly is being conveyed. This issue of AD looks at how architecture is communicated from a cultural perspective. Do the identities of practices or their business-driven branding and promotional efforts resonate with the critical acclaim many architects seek? Has slick image-led media coverage sold the profession short? How is it possible to convey the less visual and haptic qualities of architecture? Can architects be more creative in their communication efforts, making these joyous on their own terms as Le Corbusier did so memorably? Is there really a need to succumb to the world of corporate marketing processes and managerial business jargon? This issue explores notions of editing and curating work in an age of data deluge, and discusses social media as a genuinely alternative space for communication rather than for just repurposing and regurgitating information relayed. The Identity of the Architect encourages the promotion of practices as an integral extension of the very culture they hope to engender through their work.
9781119546252 (ePub ebook)
9781119546221 (PDF ebook)
Architecture and society.
Identity (Psychology) in architecture.
Architectural practice.
Communication and culture.
Architecture, Modern 21st century.
Architectural design.
Identité (Psychologie) en architecture.
Communication et culture.
Architecture 21e siècle.
Design architectural.
Architecture et société.
Architecture, Modern
Iloniemi, Laura, editor. contributor.
Richardson, Vicky, 1968- contributor.
Pallasmaa, Juhani, contributor.
Sabin, Jenny E., contributor.
Glancey, Jonathan, contributor.
Graziadei, Robin Monotti, contributor.
Kelly, Crispin, 1956- contributor.
Hopkins, Owen, 1984- contributor.
Furman, Adam Nathaniel, contributor.
Williams, Austin, contributor.
Knikker, Jan, contributor.
Merrick, Jay, contributor.
Ritchie, Ian, 1947- contributor.
Coates, Nigel, contributor.
Profile (Chichester, England) ; no.262.
Architectural design (London, England : 1971) ; v. 89, no. 6.
Identity of the architect : culture and communication
Localisation: Bibliothèque main periodicals 307691
Cote: W.A755
Exemplaire: v. 89 (November/December 2019)
Statut: Disponible
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