Belatchew, Rahel (Architect)
Attitude as style : Rahel Belatchew, architect / edited by Tomas Lauri ; contributions by Daniel Golling [and three others].
Stockholm : Arvinius+Orfeus Förlag, 2019.
237 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), plans, portraits ; 25 cm
Belatchew Arkitekter was founded in 2006, by Rahel Belatchew. Located in Stockholm, Sweden, they are mostly known for their innovative projects in offices, housing and social properties ? as well as their experimental studio Belatchew Labs. All of their projects are based on careful analysis and reflect an attitude that treats each one as unique, with an individual expression. There is consequently no general ?building kit? that the office utilise, and the results express the significant element of playfulness that permeates their work. In addition, they also have a social ambition that goes beyond specific tasks or formal briefs ? in terms of a desire to enhance human connection across economic and cultural divides.00This monograph covers several key projects of the office ? such as Buzz Building, Stockholm Loop, Rudbeckia, Florahuset, Discus, Tensta Torn and Norra Djurgårdsstaden. It also includes essays by Paul Finch and Martin Rörby, as well as an interview with Rahel Belatchew by Nils Forsberg.
Belatchew, Rahel (Architect)
Belatchew Architects (Stockholm, Sweden)
Architecture, Swedish 21st century.
Architecture, Modern 21st century.
Architecture 21e siècle.
Architecture, Modern.
Architecture, Swedish.
Lauri, Tomas.
Golling, Daniel.
Belatchew Architects (Stockholm, Sweden)
Rahel Belatchew, architect
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 307802
Cote: BIB 253282
Statut: Disponible
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