Aesthetics and politics of logistics : Venice, Rotterdam / editors: Hamed Khosravi; Taneha Kuzniecow Bacchin; Filippo LaFleur.
Milan : Humboldt Books, 2019.
125 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
The architecture of logistics is profoundly political. It measures, maps, and modulates the terrain through its projection of power-relations onto the topography. It creates spatial networks that are constituted through the circulation of capital and calibrated to meet the requirements for security and risk management. Such a direct translation of risk factors and economic values into a spatial configuration inevitably produces a territory that is alienated from both the natural topography and forms of labor. The book is an inquiry into the nature of changing paradigms in logistics. It aims to offer a cross-disciplinary platform for an exchange of ideas among artists, architects, historians, philosophers, engineers, and planners. We believe that it is only through cultivating a common imaginary that we will be able to know, resist, and effectively work against and from within the logistical system that shapes our lives, territories, and cities.
Logistics Political aspects.
Logistics Philosophy.
Aesthetics Political aspects.
architecture (discipline)
Khosravi, Hamed, editor.
Kuzniecow Bacchin, Taneha, editor
LaFleur, Filippo, editor
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 306515
Cote: BIB 252084
Statut: Disponible
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