In the meantime : speculations on art, curating, and exhibitions / Jens Hoffmann.
Entrée principale:

Hoffmann, Jens, 1974- author.

Titre et auteur:

In the meantime : speculations on art, curating, and exhibitions / Jens Hoffmann.


Berlin : Sternberg Press, [2019]


319 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm

Portions of text have been intentionally set backwards according to the publisher.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 315-318).
By Way of an Introduction / Maria Lind -- Exhibitions And Curating -- A Plea for Exhibitions -- Exhausted and Fatigued : Biennial Gridlock -- Let's Make Protest Great Again -- Archaeologies of the Present : Fragments and Notes -- Not Your Story : Cultural Appropriation [Redux] -- How Soon Is Now? / Jens Hoffmann -- Artists -- Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster : Somewhere between the Raindrops -- Valeska Soares : What Memories Do -- Maaike Schoorel : Inside the Visible -- John Bock : The Eternal Outsider -- Marepe : Cannibalization of the Everyday -- Alexandre da Cunha : The Sixth Sense -- Renata Lucas : Locational Aesthetics -- Danilo Dueñas : Space Oddity -- Yoan Capote : Present Tense -- Clare Rojas : There Is Always Magic in the Air -- John Baldessari : Noses and Ears Never Stop Growing -- Brian Bellot : The Head Is on Fire -- Making Life (Im)possible / Claire Fontaine -- Catalogue Texts -- More American Photographs : Photographic Memory -- When Attitudes Became Form Become Attitudes : Attitude Problems -- Camera of Wonders : Seeing Sideways -- The Arcades Project : The Return of the Flaneur : Walter Benjamin in New York -- Sonic Rebellion : Riots, Rebellions, and Revolutions -- Other Primary Structures : Another Introduction -- United States of Latin America : After the Fact -- Animality : Significant Others -- Death or Glory -- A Conversation with Adriano Pedrosa -- Reviews -- Whitney Biennial, 2019 -- Skulptur Projekte Münster, 2017 -- SITElines.2016 : New Perspectives on Art of the Americas, 2016 -- 6th Marrakech Biennale, 2016 -- United States of Biennial : On the Whitney Biennial 2014, the 2013 Carnegie International, and Made in L.A. 2014 -- 5th Auckland Triennial, 2013 -- Caribbean : Crossroads of the World, 2012 -- 54th Venice Biennale, 2011 -- ARS 11, 2011 -- Living as Form, 2011 -- 29th Bienal de São Paulo, 2010 -- 6th Berlin Biennale, 2010 -- Death or Glory II -- A Conversation with Adriano Pedrosa -- Interviews -- Into the Abyss : with Werner Herzog -- Form of Attitudes and Attitudes of Form : with Harald Szeemann -- Program Developments : with Alexander Kluge -- Countless (Untold) Stories : with Rasheed Araeen -- Media Burn : with Peter Watkins -- Thinking Contemporary Exhibitions : with Terry Smith -- Death or Glory -- A Conversation with Adriano Pedrosa -- Conversations -- To Show or Not to Show? : with Maria Lind -- The Politics of Art : with Eric Baudelaire, Nina Beier, Maryam Jafri, Naeem Mohaiemen, and Pratchaya Phinthong -- Every Other Year : with Fulya Erdemci, Massimiliano Gioni, Sofia Hernandez Chong Cuy, Gunnar Kvaran, and Catherine de Zegher -- Exhibitions Have a History : with Bruce Altshuler and Elena Filipovic -- The Museum as Spectacle : with Jessica Morgan and Ann Temkin -- What Do Artists Really Think of Curators? : I Think We Heed A Different Title : Can I Make A Suggestion? How About : Two or Three Things I Know about Him / Jennifer Bernstein -- Acknowledgments -- Bibliography -- Colophon.

This volume brings together a wide selection of writings by exhibition maker and writer Jens Hoffmann that outline his deep understanding of the interconnections among art, curating, theater, film, and literature. The nearly fifty texts include essays on artists, exhibitions, and curating; reviews of large-scale international group exhibitions; catalogue texts from exhibitions Hoffmann curated; and interviews and conversations with artists and other cultural practitioners. Collectively, these texts map the development of Hoffman's thoughts and agenda, articulating a highly unique curatorial trajectory.


9783956794919 (paperback)
3956794915 (paperback)


Hoffmann, Jens 1974-
Allgemeine Deutsche Kunstausstellung
Museum exhibits Technique.
Museum exhibits Design.
Art Exhibition techniques.
Objets exposés Technique.
Art Techniques d'exposition.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 308451
Cote: BIB 253824
Statut: Disponible


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