Architecture of appropriation : on squatting as spatial practice / edited by René Boer, Marina Otero Verzier, and Katía Truijen.
Titre et auteur:

Architecture of appropriation : on squatting as spatial practice / edited by René Boer, Marina Otero Verzier, and Katía Truijen.


Rotterdam : Het Nieuwe Instituut, [2019]


394 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), facsimiles, plans ; 24 cm

"Exhibitions, 'Architecture of appropriation' ... Rotterdam, 2017 ... 'Architecture of appropriation', International Architecture Biennial of Sao Paulo, 2017"--Page 394
"Photography, Johannes Schwartz."--Page 393
Architecture of appropriation -- Squatting as spatial practice -- Methodology -- Plantage Dok -- Tracing the impact of squatting on the Dutch urban landscape: a conversation with Mark Minkjan -- Wijde Heisteeg 7 -- A conversation with three generations of the Student Squatting Information Center (SKSU) -- Landbouwbelang -- Whose urban appropriation is it? a conversation with Amal Alhaag -- A note on gezelligheid: an essay / Adeola Enigbokan -- Poortgebouw -- A conversation with lawyers Rahul Uppal and Willem Jebbink -- Vluchtmaat -- ADM -- A quest for non-normative spaces -- Archive inventory -- List of illustrations.

The squatting movement in the Netherlands has played a major role in the design of both the urban fabric and domestic interior, and continues to offer alternatives to the dominant, market-oriented housing policies. This book acknowledges squatting as an architectural practice, analysing six locations through drawings, interviews, and archival material to create a record of past and current struggles, spaces, and oral histories, thereby forming the basis for a new governmental acquisition policy. It brings together the expertise of the squatting movement with architects, archivists, scholars, and lawyers in order to discuss approaches to what are often criminalized spatial practices.


9789083015200 (pbk.)
9083015203 (pbk.)


Appropriation (Architecture) Netherlands.
Squatter settlements Netherlands.
Vernacular architecture Netherlands.
Architecture, Domestic Netherlands.
Urban policy Netherlands.
Land use, Urban Netherlands.
Informal sector (Economics) Netherlands.
Appropriation (Architecture) Pays-Bas.
Bidonvilles Pays-Bas.
Architecture vernaculaire Pays-Bas.
Politique urbaine Pays-Bas.
Utilisation urbaine du sol Pays-Bas.
Secteur informel (Économie politique) Pays-Bas.
Appropriation (Architecture)
Architecture, Domestic
Informal sector (Economics)
Land use, Urban
Squatter settlements
Urban policy
Vernacular architecture


Exhibition publications.
Illustrated works

Vedettes secondaires:

Boer, René, editor.
Otero Verzier, Marina, editor.
Truijen, Katía, editor.
Schwartz, Johannes, 1970- photographer.

On squatting as spatial practice


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 306352
Cote: BIB 251950
Statut: Disponible


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