Feminist art activisms and artivisms / Katy Deepwell (ed.) ; with contributions by Linda Aloysius [and thirty-six others].
Titre et auteur:

Feminist art activisms and artivisms / Katy Deepwell (ed.) ; with contributions by Linda Aloysius [and thirty-six others].


Amsterdam : Valiz, 2020
[Place of distribution not identified] : D.A.P.


445 pages : illustrations, facsimiles, portraits ; 23 cm



Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction / Katy Deepwell -- Artivisms as art activisms. On the development of interdisciplinary feminist methodologies and perspectives within my own artistic practice: I'll be your angel (2001) and Lexicon of Tanjas Ostojić (2011-2017) / Tanja Ostojić -- On fictional activism: exploring the film trilogy Dissolution (2019) / Michelle Williams Gamaker -- The little book of answers: Voice, embodiment, and autopoiesis as a methodology for resistance / Laura Malacart -- From The nuclear family to Cold War projects / Roxane Permar -- Film maker in the family: The impact of family life on creativity / Abbe Leigh Fletcher -- Fuzzy-edged feminism: When the artist is a she / Sonja van Kerkhoff -- Manifesto / GraceGraceGrace -- Real women/common birds / Anne Robinson -- Papercare: Performance art making as voicing and representation of the feminine caring teaching experience / Christina Vasileiou -- 'Dying to live': Bad endings and the afterlives of Greenham Common / Alexandra Kokoli -- Centrefold 1974: A memoir: A series of excerpts / Louise O'Hare -- Reflections on textile and memory: The invisible hand and women's work: Dean Castle textile team at the Dick Institute, Kilmarnock / Emma Dick and Kathleen Mullaniff -- New model army: Behind Tate Modern: Morphological activism and working-class single mothers (2018-19) / Linda Aloysius -- A dialogue with Stefanie Seibold and Alice Maude-Roxby / Katy Deepwell -- Identifying touchpoints in British and Chinese women's art in the twenty-first century / Virginia Yiqing Yang -- Visual activism and marginalized communities in online spaces / Camille Waring -- Feminist Artivisms: Examples of an art history / Alana Jelinek -- Art activisms and artivisms. The things that make you sick / Loraine Leeson -- Materializing dissent: Pussy Riot's balaclavas, material culture and feminist agency / Paula Chambers -- No, but... / Mare Tralla -- Feminist art activism in Israel: subversive strategies in public spaces / Tal Dekel and Lior Elefant -- Outrageous ageing as activism / Rosy Martin -- Feministing photography: the Pavilion Women's Photography Centre--looking back to act forwards / Gill Park -- Strange bodies, strange nature: corporeal and environmental artivisms of Lenka Klodová and Zdena Kolečková / Martina Pachmanová -- Menstronauts a go go / Marisa Carnesky -- Women, agency, documentary: first cut of Shahla / Pune Parsafar -- 'We refuse to be scapegoats': an essay on the painful journey towards un Censored a new art work / Pam Skelton -- Whose housework, whose artwork?: the voice of domestic workers / Marissa Begonia and Amy Charlesworth -- Living portraits: expanding the archive of representations for Indian domestic workers / Sreyashi Tinni Bhattacharyya -- Monumental activism: Judy Chicago's Dinner Party in feminist art making / Elke Krasny -- Curating from a Black female perspective: a testimony on adversity and resilience / Christine Eyene -- Using words in practice: contemporary art collections as agonistic sites / Emma Curd.

The first volume in the new Plural series, this publication seeks to critically dissect the term 'activism,' which today seems to have become a catchword for any woman's empowerment through the arts, and reveal the diversity of practices and realities that it comprises. Presenting a range of critical insights, perspectives, and practices from artists, activists, and academics, it reflects on the role of feminist interventions in the field of contemporary art, the public sphere, and politics. In the process, it touches upon broader questions of cultural difference, history, class, economic standing, ecological issues, and sexual orientation, as well as the ways in which these intersect.


9789492095725 (Paperback)
9492095726 (paperback)


Feminism and art.
Feminism in art.
Art, Modern.
Féminisme et art.
Féminisme dans l'art.

Vedettes secondaires:

Deepwell, Katy, 1962- editor.
Aloysius, Linda, contributor.
Plural (Amsterdam, Netherlands) ; 1.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 308685
Cote: BIB 254037
Statut: Disponible


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