Disposable city : Miami's future on the shores of climate catastrophe / Mario Alejandro Ariza.
Entrée principale:

Ariza, Mario Alejandro, author.

Titre et auteur:

Disposable city : Miami's future on the shores of climate catastrophe / Mario Alejandro Ariza.


First edition.


New York, NY : Bold Type Books, 2020.


vii, 305 pages ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
What we talk about when we talk about Miami -- An octopus in the parking garage -- Long con against the rising tide -- Aventures in inadequate infrastructure -- History is a swamp -- Come heat and high water -- Tragic city -- A second exile -- The golden path, the narrow way.

"Miami, Florida, is likely to be entirely underwater by the end of this century. Residents are already starting to see the effects of sea level rise today. From sunny day flooding caused by higher tides to a sewer system on the brink of total collapse, the city undeniably lives in a climate changed world. In Disposable City, Miami resident Mario Alejandro Ariza shows us not only what climate change looks like on the ground today, but also what Miami will look like 100 years from now, and how that future has been shaped by the city's racist past and present. As politicians continue to kick the can down the road and Miami becomes increasingly unlivable, real estate vultures and wealthy residents will be able to get out or move to higher ground, but the most vulnerable communities, disproportionately composed of people of color, will face flood damage, rising housing costs, dangerously higher temperatures, and stronger hurricanes that they can't afford to escape. Miami may be on the front lines of climate change, but the battle it's fighting today is coming for the rest of the U.S.--and the rest of the world--far sooner than we could have imagined even a decade ago. Disposable City is a thoughtful portrait of both a vibrant city with a unique culture and the social, economic, and psychic costs of climate change that call us to act before it's too late"-- Provided by publisher.


9781541788466 (hardcover)
154178846X (hardcover)
(electronic book)


Sea level Florida Miami.
Flood control Social aspects Florida Miami.
Climatic changes Risk management Florida Miami.
Climatic changes Social aspects Florida Miami.
Coast changes Florida Miami.
Climatic changes Florida Miami.
Global warming Florida Miami.
Mer Niveau Floride Miami.
Climat Changements Gestion du risque Floride Miami.
Climat Changements Aspect social Floride Miami.
Littoral Modifications Floride Miami.
Climat Changements Floride Miami.
Réchauffement de la Terre Floride Miami.
Climatic changes.
Climatic changes Risk management.
Climatic changes Social aspects.
Coast changes.
Flood control Social aspects.
Global warming.
Sea level.
Social conditions.
Flood control.
Miami (Fla.) Environmental conditions 21st century.
Miami (Fla.) Social conditions 21st century.
Florida Miami.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 308226
Cote: BIB 253660
Statut: Disponible


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