Planting the natural garden / Piet Oudolf & Henk Gerritsen ; edited by Noel Kingsbury.
Entrée principale:

Oudolf, Piet, author.

Titre et auteur:

Planting the natural garden / Piet Oudolf & Henk Gerritsen ; edited by Noel Kingsbury.


Portland, Oregon : Timber Press, 2019.
Italy : Preinter Trento, 2019.


287 pages : color illustrations ; 22 cm

Includes bibliographical references (page 287) and index.
Introduction -- Part I: Plant descriptions. Perennials ; Ornamental grasses -- Part II: Uses. Introduction ; Blazing ; Lush ; Airy ; Tranquility ; Exuberant ; Silvery ; Grassy ; Gloomy? ; Autumn ; Structure plants ; Scatter plants ; Exceptional properties of plants -- Part III: Planting plans & combinations. Planting plans ; Good neighbors ; Plants per square meter-- Index of plant names -- Nurseries -- Metric conversions.

"When it was first published, Planting the Natural Garden--the first book by Piet Oufolf--was the start of the now immensely popular New Perennial Movement. Since then, Piet Oudolf has become one of the most iconic and groundbreaking designers of our time, responsible for some of the world's most important gardens, including the High Line, the Lourie Garden, the Battery, and Pottersfield. Fans of Piet Oudolf will delight in this revised edition of Planting the Natural Garden. Packed with plant information, new photography, and an introduction from Noel Kingsbury. It includes hundreds of eye-catching plant combinations, with an emphasis on the use of themed plantings that create mood and evoke emotion. Also included are plant lists and instructions for placing specific plants in particular habitats, as well as complete growing requirements." -- (Source of summary not specified)
In 2003 the first edition of Planting the natural garden transformed private and public spaces with its emotionally resonant, naturalist use of hardy perennials and grasses. This edition has been expanded and updated to include scores of new plants and combinations, making a distinctive plant palette that is available to all. For gardeners who love the dreamy moods and colors of natural gardens, Oudolf and Gerritsen offer a key a magic kingdom of garden beauty. -- adapted from back cover


9781604699739 (hardcover)
1604699736 (hardcover)


Plants, Ornamental.
Plants, Ornamental Pictorial works.
Natural gardens.
Jardins naturels.
GARDENING / General.
Ornamental plants.
Ornamental plants Pictorial works.
Organic gardening.


illustrated books.
Illustrated works
Ouvrages illustrés.

Vedettes secondaires:

Gerritsen, Henk, author.
Kingsbury, Noël, editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 307739
Cote: BIB 253221
Statut: Disponible


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