Architects on architects / edited by Dietrich Fink [and three others].
Munich : Hirmer, [2019]
159 pages : illustrations, plans, portraits ; 24 cm
Hans Kollhoff on Oswald Mathias, Tom Emerson on Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Donatella Fioretti on Walter Gropius? these are just three of the fascinating pairs. In this compilation of conversations and essays, architects speak about architects and present the reader with a wide-ranging insight into the architecture of the present day and of previous generations.00Outstanding architects of our time at the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University Munich spoke under the heading Architects on Architects about their predecessors from previous generations who influenced the way they see architecture. Viewed from a present-day perspective, the focus lay on the relevance of concepts and ideas across the generations and on their adaptation for the world today. The format and diversity of the lectures provided in particular an opportunity to participate in the transfer of ideas and the discussions on the subject of building culture. The additional personal conversations between the architects presenting the lectures and renowned architectural theorists and artists examine the subject in greater depth and are now published for the first time in the form of this book.
9783777433080 (English edition ; paperback)
Architecture, Modern.
Architects Interviews.
Architectes Entretiens.
Fink, Dietrich, 1958- editor.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 307868
Cote: BIB 253334
Statut: Disponible
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