Neoliberalism on the ground : architecture & transformation from the 1960s to the present / edited by Kenny Cupers, Catharina Gabrielsson, & Helena Mattsson.
Titre et auteur:

Neoliberalism on the ground : architecture & transformation from the 1960s to the present / edited by Kenny Cupers, Catharina Gabrielsson, & Helena Mattsson.


Pittsburgh, PA : University of Pittsburgh Press, [2020]


vii, 439 pages : illustrations (some color), maps (some color) ; 27 cm.


Culture, politics, and the built environment

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Dust jacket.

"Architecture and urbanism have contributed to one of the most sweeping transformations of our times. Over the past four decades, neoliberalism has not only been a dominant paradigm in politics, but a process of bricks and mortar in everyday life. Rather than to ask what a neoliberal architecture looks like, or how architecture represents neoliberalism, this volume examines the multivalent role of architecture and urbanism in geographically variable yet interconnected processes of neoliberal transformation across scales-from China, Turkey, South Africa, Argentina, Mexico, the US, Britain, Sweden, and Czechoslovakia. Analyzing how buildings and urban projects in different regions since the 1960s have served in the implementation of concrete policies such as privatization, fiscal reform, deregulation, state restructuring, and the expansion of free trade, contributors reveal neoliberalism as a process marked by historical contingency. Neoliberalism on the Ground fundamentally reframes accepted narratives of both neoliberalism and postmodernism by demonstrating how architecture has articulated changing relationships between state, society, and economy since the 1960s"-- Provided by publisher.


9780822946014 hardcover acid-free paper
0822946017 hardcover acid-free paper
electronic book


Architecture and society.
Architecture Political aspects.
City planning Social aspects.
City planning Political aspects.
Architecture et société.

Vedettes secondaires:

Cupers, Kenny, editor.
Gabrielsson, Catharina, editor.
Mattsson, Helena, 1965- editor.
Cupers, Kenny editor.
Gabrielsson, Catharina editor.
Culture, politics, and the built environment.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 308164
Cote: BIB 253596
Statut: Disponible


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