Streuli, Beat, 1957-
Beat Streuli : public works 1996-2011.
Zurich : JRP/Ringier, [2012]
160 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 29 cm
Swiss artist Beat Streuli takes the urban environment and its inhabitants as the central motif of his work. This monograph is a survey of his œuvre of the last 15 years, which includes billboards and large-scale window installations on the facades of public buildings, and a selection of his installations of slide and video projections.
9783037642061 (paperback)
3037642068 (paperback)
Streuli, Beat, 1957- Exhibitions.
Streuli, Beat, 1957-
Street photography Exhibitions.
Photographie de rue Expositions.
Street photography
Exhibition catalogs.
Museo di fotografia contemporanea (Cinisello Balsamo, Italy)
Ikon Gallery.
Public works 1996-2011
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 278076
Cote: BIB 213467
Statut: Disponible
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