Hicks, Dan, 1972- author.
The Brutish Museums : the Benin Bronzes, colonial violence and cultural restitution / Dan Hicks.
London : Pluto Press, 2020.
xvii, 345 pages, 16 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (colour) ; 24 cm
"Walk into any European museum today and you will see the curated spoils of Empire. They sit behind plate glass: dignified, tastefully lit. Accompanying pieces of card offer a name, date and place of origin. They do not mention that the objects are all stolen. Few artefacts embody this history of rapacious and extractive colonialism better than the Benin Bronzes - a collection of thousands of metal plaques and sculptures depicting the history of the Royal Court of the Obas of Benin City, Nigeria. Pillaged during a British naval attack in 1897, the loot was passed on to Queen Victoria, the British Museum and countless private collections. The story of the Benin Bronzes sits at the heart of a heated debate about cultural restitution, repatriation and the decolonisation of museums. In The Brutish Museum, Dan Hicks makes a powerful case for the urgent return of such objects, as part of a wider project of addressing the outstanding debt of colonialism"--Publisher's description
0745341764 (hardback)
9780745341767 (hardback)
(ePub ebook)
(PDF ebook)
Museums Acquisitions Moral and ethical aspects.
Museums Acquisitions Europe, Western History.
Museums Acquisitions Case studies.
Bronzes Nigeria Benin (Kingdom)
Museums Europe, Western Acquisition History.
Bronzes Nigeria Benin.
Museums Acquisition Moral and ethical aspects.
Ethnic Violence
Museums ethics
Musées Acquisitions Aspect moral.
Musées Acquisitions Europe de l'Ouest Histoire.
Musées Acquisitions Études de cas.
Bronzes Nigeria Bénin (Royaume)
Musées Europe de l'Ouest Acquisition Histoire.
Musées Acquisition Aspect moral.
Museums Acquisitions
Benin (Kingdom) Violence against.
Nigeria Benin
Africa Benin (Kingdom)
Western Europe
Case Reports
Case studies
Études de cas.
Benin Bronzes, colonial violence and cultural restitution
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 319299
Cote: 319299
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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