Dillon, Brian, 1954- author.
In the dark room / Brian Dillon.
Third edition.
London, United Kingdom : Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2019.
267 pages ; 20 cm
Boldly combining the highly personal with the brilliantly scholarly, In the Dark Room explores the question of how memory works emotionally and culturally. It is narrated through the prism of the author's experience of losing both his parents: his mother when he was sixteen, his father when he was on the cusp of adulthood and of trying, after a breakdown some years later, to piece things together. Drawing on the lessons of centuries of literature, philosophy and visual art, Dillon interprets the relics of his parents and of his childhood in a singularly original and arresting piece of writing reissued for the first time since its original publication in 2005, and including a new foreword from prize-winning biographer Frances Wilson.
9781910695722 (paperback)
1910695726 (paperback)
Dillon, Brian, 1969-
Dillon, Brian, 1969- Mental health.
Dillon, Brian, 1969- Family.
Bereavement Psychological aspects.
Parents Death Psychological aspects.
Loss (Psychology)
Deuil Aspect psychologique.
Parents Mort Aspect psychologique.
Perte (Psychologie)
Mental health.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 309708
Cote: BIB 254904
Statut: Prêt externe
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