Walder, Liz, author.
History, design, and legacy : architectural prizes and medals : an academic investigation of the Royal Institute of British Architects' royal gold medal / submitted by Elizabeth Ann Walder MA now writing as Liz Walder.
First edition.
United Kingdom : Wordcatcher Publishing, 2019.
215 pages : illustrations (black and white) ; 24 cm
Wordcatcher architecture and built environment
"This work is solely focused upon the history, design, and legacy of RIBA's Royal Gold Medal. It considers both the historical context and the future, along with winners, nominations, formal procedure and modern press campaigns, to place this British architectural medal alongside others awarded internationally"--Back cover.
9781911265276 (pbk.)
(ePub ebook)
Royal Institute of British Architects.
Architecture Awards Great Britain.
Architecture Prix et récompenses Grande-Bretagne.
Architecture Awards
Great Britain
Architectural prizes & awards : history, design, and legacy
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 307821
Cote: BIB 253301
Statut: Disponible
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