Samhällsbyggandet som mysterium. English
Essays on Jane Jacobs / edited by Jesper Meijling, Tigran Haas ; translation: Julie Martin.
First edition.
Stockholm : Bokförlaget Stolpe, [2019]
297 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 23 x 16 cm
Jane Jacobs is an icon in urban planning. She became world-famous with her book 'The Death and Life of Great American Cities'. Through her book and her street-level activism in 1960s New York, she became a key figure in urban planning issues, and her efforts following her breakthrough have been continuously interpreted and discussed. In this anthology, thirteen writers consider unique aspects of the burning questions she raises concerning what fundamentally makes a society sustainable. Together the contributors provide a sweeping portrait of Jacobs activities from the 1930s to the 2000s and situate her work in contemporary contexts.
9789198523690 (hardcover)
9198523694 (hardcover)
Jacobs, Jane, 1916-2006.
City planning.
Urban renewal.
Rénovation urbaine.
urban renewal.
Meijling, Jesper, editor.
Haas, Tigran, editor.
Martin, Julie (Translator), translator.
Samhällsbyggandet som mysterium.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 308927
Cote: BIB 254244
Statut: Disponible
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