The wild book of inventions / edited by Chus Martínez ; contributions and texts by Nabil Ahmed [and nineteen others].
Titre et auteur:

The wild book of inventions / edited by Chus Martínez ; contributions and texts by Nabil Ahmed [and nineteen others].


Berlin : Sternberg Press, [2019]


413 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 20 cm

Contributors: Nabil Ahmed, Armen Avanessian, Hannah Black, Kristina Buch, Tyler Coburn, Ann Cotten, Paul Feigelfeld, Fernando García-Dory, Kenneth Goldsmith, Anke Hennig, Ingela Ihrman, Tiphanie Kim Mall, Chus Martínez, Momus, Ingo Niermann, Trevor Paglen, Filipa Ramos, Lin May Saeed, Emily Segal, Johannes Willi.
Includes bibliographical references.
The Invention Is Nature -- Inventing Intelligence: Prognosis, Permutation, Prediction, Production -- Be New! -- Around the Notion of Little Handworks -- The Invention of a Method for Writing Your Own Future: Auto-Science Fiction I -- Chimera, an Excerpt from Ergonomic Futures -- The Most Familiar Star -- Being a Bulge, Bouyant, and Blue -- Kim Basinger Offers Glimpses of a Dermal, Condensed Future -- Fifty Propositions on Sublimation -- Some Sketches on Vertical Geographies -- Like Jonah, so is This Generation Now Emerging from the Whale -- Drawings and Texts on Animals -- Reinventing Trolling -- Paris und Basel, 2015-2017 -- Who's Afraid of (Left) Hyperstitions? -- Ground Truth: The Case of Ecocide in West Papua -- Against Innovation: Toward a Politics of No Politics -- CRISPR

In essays, poems, sketches, and photographs, twenty authors challenge the exclusive human claim to intelligence. Can contemporary art's practitioners change the way we perceive nature? Employing a variety of forms including speculative essays, poems, pencil sketches, and photo essays, in The Wild Book of Inventions twenty authors challenge the exclusive human claim to intelligence by pointing to, or inventing, new forms of coexistence for all life-forms. Far more complex than the necessary and continuous exercise of critique, these contributions introduce new ways to experience culture.


9783956792496 (paperback)


Nature in art.
Perception In art.
Inventions in art.
Art Philosophy.
Nature dans l'art.
Art Philosophie.
Perception Dans l'art.



Vedettes secondaires:

Martínez, Chus, editor.
Ahmed, Nabil, contributor.
Martínez, Chus editor.
Ahmed, Nabil contributor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 309456
Cote: BIB 254710
Statut: Disponible


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