Prowse, D. W. (Daniel Woodley), editor.
The Newfoundland guide book, 1905, including Labrador and St. Pierre ... Contributors: J. Giullé Millais. H. Hesketh Prichard. F.C. Selous. Admiral Sir W.R. Kennedy, K.C.B. Sir Bryan Leighton. Dr. Grenfell. Sir William Macgregor ... and others. Editor, D.W. Prowse.
London, Bradbury, Agnew & Co. [1905?]
vii, 182 pages, 1 leaf including front, illustrations folded map 22 cm
Prowse's aim in compiling this guide was to inform the general public on both sides of the Atlantic about the progress Newfoundland had made, and would continue to make in the seven years since the railway was completed and steamship service to Cape Breton began. To ensure success, Prowse enlisted "world-renowned writers and explorers" (p.3) to write about what the island had to offer tourists, sportsmen, and investors
Newfoundland and Labrador Guidebooks.
Labrador (N.L.) Guidebooks.
Labrador (T.-N.-L.) Guides.
Newfoundland and Labrador
Newfoundland and Labrador Labrador
travel guidebooks.
Guides touristiques.
Millais, John Guille, 1865-1931.
Hesketh-Prichard, H. (Hesketh), 1876-1922.
Selous, Frederick Courteney, 1851-1917.
Kennedy, William Robert, Sir, 1838-1916.
Leighton, Bryan Baldwyn Mawddwy, Sir, 9th bart., 1868-
Grenfell, Wilfred Thomason, Sir, 1865-1940.
Macgregor, William, Sir, 1847-1919.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main canada 186960
Cote: ID PO12755 CAN FC2157.N4; ID:88-B353
Statut: Disponible
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