Al Borde : less is all / editor, Andrea Griborio.
Titre et auteur:

Al Borde : less is all / editor, Andrea Griborio.


First edition.


[Mexico City] : Arquine, 2020.


158 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), plans, portraits ; 22 cm

Less is all / Andrea Griborio -- Venting -- AL borde -- Projects intended for ordinary people in ordinary places using ordinary materials -- New hope school -- Hope two -- Last hope -- 1993 -- Plaza boulevard "Los mangos" -- Dark Resources -- German Pavilion Hill -- Post-Earthquake Rural Housing Prototype -- Social Factory for inclusive housing -- Guadurnal's Lunchroom -- Projects emerging from teaching excerises that confront learning with reality -- Academia / Cecilia Tcherkassky -- Workshop PUCE: Neighorhood house 11 de mayo -- Workshop UTI: Personal projects -- Workshop UCAL: Community Center and House of Living Memory -- Projects rooted in objective conditions that use the subjetivities of others as a tool -- Greenhouse-studio -- Entre muros house Bricks, blocks and other waste and fillers -- House under constructions -- On being homeless -- Al borde.

Natural, upcycled and economical materials in buildings by Ecuadorian firm Al Borde.0?Less Is All? is the motto of Ecuadorian architecture firm Al Borde-founded in 2007 by Pascual Gangotena, David Barragán, Marialuisa Borja and Estevan Benavides. Naming Al Borde one of the top 100 architecture firms in the world in 2019, the editors of Domus wrote: ?Convinced that the strength of an architectural project lies in the later autonomy of its users, Al Borde?s design and decision-making process rely on the involvement of the community in all phases of planning and construction, and the systematic exploration of the local context.? The materials they use and the projects they adopt reflect the state of a globalized Ecuador. For example, for their House of the Flying Beds Al Borde refurbished an 18th-century family house by restoring the rammed earth walls, installing tire rubber and recycled glass on the roof and suspending beds above the open-plan, ground-floor living area with eucalyptus trusses, thus maintaining the form of the house but turning the interior into something indubitably modern.
"Less Is Universe" is the motto of Ecuadorian architecture firm Al Borde -founded in Quito in 2007 by Pascual Gangotena (Quito, 1977), David Barragán (Quito, 1981), Marialuisa Borja (Quito, 1984) and Esteban Benavides (Quito, 1985). Considered one of the top 100 architecture firms in the world , their sustainable ecologically-friendly projects use natural (eucalyptus trusses, etc,), recycled (tire rubber and recycled glass) and economical materials to construct open-spaces in ground-floor living areas. "The architecture of Al Borde is a manifesto for collective construction. Making use of low-cost, recycled and found materials is part of their radical approach. Exact measurements and detailed plans don't matter when it comes to fine-tuning the build with integrity, patches, perforations, additions and so on. There are no outer membranes or finishes; all the materials are exposed as what they are. It's a direct and honest architecture."-Page 8.




Al Borde (Firm)
Architecture, Domestic Ecuador Designs and plans.
Architecture, Modern 21st century Designs and plans.
Buildings Remodeling for other use.
Sustainable architecture.
Architecture domestique Équateur Dessins et plans.
Architecture 21e siècle Dessins et plans.
Constructions Reconversion.
Architecture durable.
Architecture, Domestic
Architecture, Modern


catalogs (documents)
Architectural drawings
Backless bindings (Binding)

Vedettes secondaires:

Griborio, Andrea, editor.
Al Borde (Firm). Works. elections.

Less is all


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 308949
Cote: BIB 254266
Statut: Disponible


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