Winter homes : cozy living in style / Images Publishing (compiler).
Mulgrave, VIC : Images Publishing, 2021.
255 pages : color illustrations ; 28 cm
There's an elemental satisfaction to seeing a cozy house in the midst of a snowy landscape. It evokes feelings of warmth, security, and comfort. Take a journey through some of the best stylish winter homes across the globe, and bask in the vicarious warmth and streamlined yet cozy interior design. Winter Homes beautifully illustrates examples from the winter wonderlands of our world, and provides additional information on how the design was formulated, and what techniques have been used to contend with winter conditions. Curl up in front of the fire with this gorgeous edition, crammed full of evocative images of stylish houses in moody winter landscapes.
9781864708660 (hardcover)
1864708662 (hardcover)
Architecture, Domestic Cold regions.
Interior decoration Cold regions.
Décoration intérieure Régions froides.
Architecture, Domestic
Interior decoration
Photography & photographs.
Cold regions.
illustrated books.
Illustrated works
Ouvrages illustrés.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 315767
Cote: 315767
Exemplaire: 1
Statut: Disponible
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