Sonic Acts : the noise of being / curated by Nicky Assmann, Mirna Belina, Gideon Kiers, Rosa Menkman, Lucas van der Velden, and Juha van 't Zelfde ; editor, Mirna Belina.
Entrée principale:

Sonic Acts (Festival) (17th: 2017: Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Titre et auteur:

Sonic Acts : the noise of being / curated by Nicky Assmann, Mirna Belina, Gideon Kiers, Rosa Menkman, Lucas van der Velden, and Juha van 't Zelfde ; editor, Mirna Belina.


Amsterdam, the Netherlands : Sonic Acts Press, 2017.


208 pages : illustrations (chiefly colour) ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
Anticapitalism, postcapitalism, decapitalism / Nina Poer -- Everything is experiencing / interview with Jennifer Gabrys by Arie Altena -- Animism is the only sensible version of materialism / Louis Henderson -- Afrofuturism : other ways of navigating the world that facilitate resilience / interview with Ytasha Womack by Arie Altena -- An ontology of everything on the face of the earth / Daniel Rourke -- The cracks of the contemporary : the wound / Rick Dolphijn -- Ophiux / Joey Holder -- Characteristics in a drama called big data / interview with Wendy Hui Kyong Chun by Rosa Menkman -- We are all in the mud / interview with Eyal Weizman by Lucas van der Velden -- By any less necessary : a satellite image account of conflict / Jamon van den Hoek -- Forever noon on a cloudless day / Ingrid Burrington -- The making of Metahaven / interview with metahaven by Juha van 't Zelfde.

What does it mean to be human, to be part of a world that is an ever-changing network? Published on the occasion of the 2017 Sonic Acts Festival, this book endeavours to piece together the dissonance produced by the participants and spectators of the festival, whether at the conference or in the museums, clubs, and cinemas. This is the noise of technology, capitalism, hackers, bots, communication breakdowns, humanity, clouds, and so much more. With essays by Nina Power, Louis Henderson, Daniel Rourke, and Rick Dolphijn, interviews with Ytasha Womack, Jennifer Gabrys, Eyal Weizman, and Metahaven, plus contributions by Joey Holder, Ingrid Burrington, and more.


9789082321630 (paperback)
9082321637 (paperback)


Art, Modern 21st century Exhibitions.
Noise in art Exhibitions.
Art 21e siècle Expositions.
Bruit dans l'art Expositions.
Noise in art.
Art, Modern.
Human beings in art.
Sound in art.


Exhibition catalogs.

Vedettes secondaires:

Belina, Mirna, organizer, editor.
Assmann, Nicky, organizer.
Kiers, Gideon, organizer.
Menkman, Rosa, organizer.
Velden, Lucas van der, organizer.
Zelfde, Juha van 't, organizer.

Noise of being


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 299664
Cote: BIB 245815
Statut: Disponible


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