Uelsmann, Jerry N. (Jerry Norman), 1934-2022, photographer, writer of added commentary.
Uelsmann : process and perception : photographs and commentary / by Jerry N. Uelsmann ; essay by John Ames.
Gainesville : University Presses of Florida : University of Florida Press, [1985]
47 pages, 81 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations ; 22 x 26 cm
Presents a collection of black-and-white photographs by Jerry Uelsmann, and includes information from the photographer on his creative process, and the techniques he uses to produce his multiple images.
"The work of Jerry Uelsmann, one of America's ... contemporary photographers, is widely collected, exhibited in all major museums, and published in several books. This collection of new photographs is the first of his books in which he shows how he achieves his unique multiple images. Ueslmann narrates his own creative process in a ... visual account of a single day's work in the darkroom. Beginning with his first effort of the day, he describes his various ideas, reactions to them, and Feelings of dissatisfaction and gratification as he moves toward the final, successful image. The reader watches the photograph grow as Uelsmann adds elements to the composite and subtracts others--a rare opportunity to observe the artist at work. In another section of the book, the technical aspects of synthetic photography are examined in a step-by-step description of imagecombining in the darkroom, illustrated by each separate photograph and the final multiple image. The book also includes a portfolio of ninety of Uelsmann's most recent photographs (most of them previously unpublished), introduced by a photographic essay by John Ames"--From back cover.
0813008301 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
9780813008301 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
Uelsmann, Jerry N. (Jerry Norman), 1934-2022 Catalogs.
Uelsmann, Jerry N. (Jerry Norman), 1934-2022 Technique.
Uelsmann, Jerry N. (Jerry Norman), 1934-2022
Uelsmann, Jerry, (1934- ...)
Uelsmann, Jerry, 1934-
Photography, Artistic.
photomontages (visual works)
Photomontage États-Unis 20e siècle.
photomontages (visual works)
Composite photographs.
Ames, John Michael, 1944- Reconciliations.
Process and perception
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 25066
Cote: PO13380; ID:88-B11277
Statut: Disponible
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