For the love of Carthage : cemeteries, a bath and the circus in the southwest part of the city; pottery, brickstamps and lamps from several sites; the presence of saints, & urban development in the pertica region / edited by J.H. Humphrey ; with contributions by H. Ben Romdhane, R. Bockmann, M. Broisch, J. Carlsen, G.J. Evans, I. Fumadó Ortega, C. Gregg, L. Houghtalin, J.H. Humphrey, J. Lund, N. Norman, P. Scheding, S. Schmid, F. Schön, & S.T. Stevens ; and with S. Cespa, E. Jerray, B. Maraoui Telmini, E. Poulsen, N. Röring, Y. Sghaier & H. Töpfer.
Titre et auteur:

For the love of Carthage : cemeteries, a bath and the circus in the southwest part of the city; pottery, brickstamps and lamps from several sites; the presence of saints, & urban development in the pertica region / edited by J.H. Humphrey ; with contributions by H. Ben Romdhane, R. Bockmann, M. Broisch, J. Carlsen, G.J. Evans, I. Fumadó Ortega, C. Gregg, L. Houghtalin, J.H. Humphrey, J. Lund, N. Norman, P. Scheding, S. Schmid, F. Schön, & S.T. Stevens ; and with S. Cespa, E. Jerray, B. Maraoui Telmini, E. Poulsen, N. Röring, Y. Sghaier & H. Töpfer.


Portsmouth, Rhode, Island : Journal of Roman Archaeology, 2020.


349 pages : illustrations (some color), maps (some color), plans ; 29 cm


Journal of Roman archaeology. JRA Supplementary series, 1063-4304 ; number 109

Includes bibliographical references.
Part 1. The southern and western parts of the city of Carthage: cemeteries, a bath and the circus -- The necropoleis of the imperial slaves and freedmen in the deathscape of Roman Carthage / Jesper Carlsen -- From bathhouse to cemetery: the transformation of suburban space at Bir el Jebbana, Carthage / Jeremy Rossiter and E. Pennefather-O'Brien -- Appendix: Osteological report on skeletal remains from the graves mentioned / E. Pennefather-O'Brien -- A note on the earlier American excavations in the circus and associated bibliography to date J. H. Humphrey -- The SW quarter of Carthage and its main monument: new results on the topographical context, construction and development of the circus, based on fieldwork in 2015-2017 / R. Bockmann, H. Ben Romdhane, F. Schön, I. Fumadó Ortega, M. Broisch, with S. Cespa, E. Jerray, B. Maraoui Telmini, N. Röring, Y. Sghaier & H. Töpfer -- An excavation at the western edge of Carthage and a new proposal for the location of the fort (castrum) / Gary J. Evans -- Introducing two papers on finds from the excavations in the Yasmina cemetery at Carthage / Naomi J. Norman -- The memory of a favorite racehorse: a disc of the horse Alumnus from the Yasmina cemetery at Carthage in the context of other circus-related iconography / Christopher Gregg -- The numismatic finds from the Yasmina cemetery / Liane Houghtalin and John D. Mac Isaac
Part 2. Pottery, brickstamps and lamps from several sites at Carthage -- Terra sigillata norditalica decorata (Aco-Becher und Sarius-Schalen) aus den Ausgrabungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts in Karthago with Postscript: The earliest phases of Roman Carthage / Sebastian Schmid -- Building Roman Carthage: brickstamps in the Musée National de Carthage / Jeremy Rossiter -- A pottery deposit of c.A.D. 425-460 from the Danish excavations at the north edge of the city of Carthage / John Lund, with contributions by E. Poulsen -- Pottery lamps from Trinity University's excavation on the Odeon Hill at Carthage / Jeremy Rossiter, with a note by M. B. Garrison -- Lamps from an American excavation of an extramural cemetery of Vandalic date at Carthage, here republished with colour plates and with addenda / Jeremy Rossiter
Part 3. Two historical--archaeological studies in and around Carthage -- Farmers, families and the city: urban development in the pertica region of Roman Carthage / Paul Scheding -- Loci sancti Carthagine: the presence of saints in communal worship and private piety / Susan T. Stevens.
British Library not licensed to copy 0.
Preface in English and French, text in English.

9780999458631 (hardcover)
0999458639 (hardcover)


Genossenschaft Karthago
Archaeology Tunisia Carthage (Extinct city)
Excavations (Archaeology) Tunisia Carthage (Extinct city)
Romans Tunisia Carthage (Extinct city)
Archéologie Tunisie Carthage (Ville ancienne)
Fouilles (Archéologie) Tunisie Carthage (Ville ancienne)
Romains Tunisie Carthage (Ville ancienne)
Classical antiquities
Excavations (Archaeology)
Archäologische Stätte
Carthage (Extinct city) History.
Tunisia Antiquities, Roman.
Carthage (Ville ancienne) Histoire.
Tunisie Antiquités romaines.
Tunisia Carthage (Extinct city)



Vedettes secondaires:

Humphrey, John H., editor.
Journal of Roman archaeology. Supplementary series ; no. 109.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main periodicals 308632
Cote: W.J68474s
Exemplaire: no. 109
Statut: Disponible


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